Scientific research activity
Underground gas storage
The increase in natural gas production in Turkmenistan, due to the needs of consumers in the domestic and foreign markets, and its rapid development will lead to an increase in the country's export potential, rapid economic progress and, as a result, an improvement in the living conditions of our people.

Gas chemical complex
The developed technological solution will allow achieving a positive economic effect, energy and resource conservation, as well as high labor productivity due to its implementation at chemical industry enterprises and various industrial sectors of the country.

Project for hydrogen production from natural gas
The synthesis gas leaving the conversion page at 845C passes through the cooler and steam generator to the R4 reactor at 340-360C and 24.5 atm pressure, where an additional amount of hydrogen is obtained depending on the equivalent of carbon dioxide in the synthesis gas

Green energy on the wind belt
In this project, we studied the types of wind turbines used in global wind energy, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Of these, vertical wind turbines were selected, which can be used on the roofs of buildings, are resistant to harsh environmental conditions, and the parts of which can be manufactured at local enterprises, as well as maintenance.

Plasmochemical laboratory equipment for the production of hydrogen fuel and technical carbon from natural gas
In order to fulfill Turkmenistan's international obligations on hydrogen energy, the scientists and specialists of the University's Hydrogen Energy Center created an ecologically clean innovative plasmochemical laboratory device that allows obtaining hydrogen fuel and technical carbon from natural gas.

An innovative robot that analyzes gas leak defects
The robot will clearly demonstrate its maturity, high reliability and technological advantages in performing pipe-laying work on this model.

New chemical products obtained from iodine-bromine industrial waters of Western Turkmenistan
By-products such as sodium chloride, concentrated water, magnesium oxide, calcium nitrate, aluminum sulfate coagulant, silica, strontium carbonate, strontium nitrate are placed here.

Artificial marble stones
The university is conducting work on obtaining artificial marble from local raw materials. In the laboratories of the university, several samples of artificial marbles, differing in composition, size and color, were prepared and subjected to appropriate tests.

Contact details:
- Address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil Avenue, 8, main building.
- Tel.: (+99312) 39-13-03
- Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
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