Training center

Scientific research activity

22 May 2023

     Reforms in the field of science and education, carried out under the  leadership of  the respected  President of  Turkmenistan Serdar  Berdimuhamedov, are one of the priority areas of state policy, because the future of  thecountry, its  economic development is closely related to the level of development of technology, innovation and knowledge.

     The  Yagshygeldi Kakayev  International Oil and Gas University  maintains  extensive  cooperation with research and design institutes of  the oil and gas complex,  scientific  institutions of the  Academy of  Sciences of  Turkmenistan, as  well as prestigious universities, companies, scientific organizations and  centers of  foreign countries.

     The  Yashygeldi  Kakayev  International Oil and Gas University is actively  engaged in international cooperation. In this regard, in accordance  with  the  Agreements  and  Memorandums of  Understanding on cooperation in the field of  science and education  with the  leading  universities  of  Russia, China, Germany,  Great Britain,  Romania, Austria, Korea, Russia, Italy, Uzbekistan, Belarus and with  the  Erasmus + organizations  of  the European Union, relevant work iscarried out.

     Currently, in accordance  with  the State Program  for  the  Comprehensive  Development of  Chemical Science and Technology in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and the Program for the Digitalization of  the  Education System of  Turkmenistan for 2020-2025, professors and teachers, students and young scientists, candidates of  scientific degrees and graduate students are conducting scientific  research on established themes. The results of  the ongoing research  work are published in the form of articles and abstracts  in scientific  publications inthe country and abroad, and are presented at scientific and practical  conferences held at the international  level. The results of scientific researchare being introduced into production, as well as patents and certificates for inventions  are received.

     In order to ensure the coordination of research activities with  educational work, improve the quality of training of specialists, the Academy of  Sciences of  Turkmenistan conducts research activities in the following  priority areas of science:

•      “Development of scientific foundations for   technologies  for obtaining magnesium products based on local raw materials and  planned use of industrial water resources” (01.01.2021-                 01.31.2025, TP 09.00.2456);

•      “Development of scientific methods for the  beneficial use of alkaline waste generated in the complex of oil refineries inthe city of Turkmenbashi” (01.01.2021-31.01.2025, TP 09.00.2463);

•      “Development of scientific bases for the  utilization of petroleum products used in production” (01/01/2021-01/31/2025, TP 09.00.2464);

•      “Modernization of existing computer programs  related to information security” (01/01/2022-01/31/2024, TP 22.00.2612);

•      “Automation of research, design work and  experiments, development of digital methods for obtaining conclusions  from the obtained  data”(01.01.2022-01.31.2024, TP 22.00.2616).

     Scientific  activities

     The Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and  Gas University annually holds scientific and practical conferences and  organizes exhibitions on occasion of holidays celebrated in the country. This  is of great importance in highlighting achievements, encouraging winners among  students and attracting other young people to science.

     Young scientists and university students  actively participate in international conferences and exhibitions and present  their work at scientific and practical conferences and exhibitions held  annually at the national level. Among them:

-      International  scientific and practical  conference and exhibition “Scientific  and technical possibilities ofobtaining hydrogen energy from natural gas”;

-      Scientific and practical conference and  exhibition “Youth -builders of  a happy future” in accordance with  the weekly program, held  under the motto “Young  leaders - the driving force of  the present and future  development of  Turkmenistan” at the  Information Technology Center;

-      Scientific and  educational seminar and  exhibition “Exchange  of experience in publishing  scientific papers in indexed publications  for  inclusion in the list of  the world's  leading higher educational institutions of  the international  level”  with the participation of representatives of higher educational  institutions of  the country through digital video communication at the Information Technology  Center;

-      International  scientific  and  practical  conference and exhibition “Market  and  production efficiency – 20”,organized  jointly  by the Humanitarian and Technical Academy in  the city of  Kokshetau, the Republic of  Kazakhstan, the Export Academy of the  Federal Territory of  Baden-Württemberg, the  Federal  Republic of  Germany, the Branch ofthe Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, Omsk  Humanitarian  Academy,  Ishim Pedagogical  Institute and P.P. Ershov of the Tyumen StateUniversity, the Russian Federation, and  the  Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oiland Gas University;

-      Scientific and educationalseminar-conference and exhibition “Exchange of experience in publishing scientificpapers in indexed publications for inclusion in the list of leading international  universities in the world”;

-      International scientific and  practical  conference and exhibition “Digital Technologies” at the  Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University  of Turkmenistan;

-      Scientific and practical conference and exhibition “Sustainable Development Goals:Youth  Policy and  Innovative Technologies” at theTechnology Center of the Academy of  Sciences of Turkmenistan;

-      International forum and exhibition of  students, graduate  students, young scientists “Scientific steps of  young scientists in the  digitalization of the economy”, held  by the Institute of  Telecommunications  and Informatics  of  Turkmenistan.

     Council  of Young Scientists

     A Council of  Young Scientists has been  established  at the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil  and Gas University to  train high-level teachers, young scientists, technologists, to effectively  conduct research and project work of  young scientists, and to attract  talented  young people to science.

      The Council of Young Scientists is a voluntary  and self-governing scientific and public organization of youth engaged in  scientific and  intellectual, research, design, inventive, industrialization ,patent and other scientific creative activities. The Council of Young  Scientists  includes the following: student circles for research and designwork, the  Research and Design Center, “Nebitgaz” Printing house, the scientific mass electronic journal -Science and Technology of the Oil and Gas Sector.

     The Council of  Young Scientists  monthly prepares  official statistical-bal-monitoring reports of the university on ongoing  works  in accordance  with  the “Concept  for the implementation  of  improving the  teaching of natural and exact sciences in Turkmenistan”, “Concept  for  the  implementation of  the State Program for the Comprehensive Development of  Chemical Science and Technology in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”, “Concept for  the  implementation  of activities provided for education system in the mainareas of development  of  science, education, healthcare,  sports, youth  system of  Turkmenistan  in the National Program for the Revival of a new  era of  a stablestate: socio-economic development  of  Turkmenistan in  2022-2052”, “Concepts forthe implementation of the Roadmap  of the Ministry of Education of  Turkmenistanfor the  celebration of  300-anniversary of the  birth of  Mahtumkuli Fragi, the great thinker  and classic poet of the East”, “The  concept of publishing  scientific works in indexed  publications for inclusion in the list of  the  world's leading international universities”  and their Action Plans.

      The  Research and  Design Center conducts  research on the development of  robotics in a research  and  design circle withthe participation  of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists  and  organizes regular demonstration classes for enthusiastic  schoolchildren ,and gradually  carries out research  work on STEM programs (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), NBICS (nano-, bio-, info-, cogno-,socio-sciences), organizational  implementation  activities based on  Know-How  methodologies.

      Printing  house Nebitgaz  produces certificates  of  honor of  teachers and  students of our university, books of scientific  and practical conferences, collections of abstracts and  performs various printing  services for our  university.

     The scientific and public electronic journal Science  and Technology of the Oil and Gas Sector of  the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and Gas University regularly publishes scientific  articles describing the results of research  work carried out by teachers and  young students.

     Student  circles for research and design work

     One of  the priorities  of the state policy of  the President of  Turkmenistan is the active  involvement of  students in research and design work in order to develop the knowledge, skills  and  creativity of  specialists, to master innovative  technologies  and achieve high economic  performance.

     Scientific and design organizations  were  createdin  order  to actively  involve  students  of  the Yagshygeldi   Kakayev International Oil and Gas University in research and design activities.

     Research and design work  prepare  future  specialists for  the creative  implementation  of the knowledge and skills  acquired at the university, help to master the basics of  the methodology of  scientific  work and gain experience.

     Any university student has the  opportunity to  become a member of a research and  design  organization and choose a topic of  interest and implement it  under  the guidance of a  teacher of the department.Teachers encourage students to participate in research and design work, develop  scientific topics and projects, and provide the facility with the necessary  equipment.

     Currently, the  research and design circles ofstudents as: “Young oil and gas engineers”, “Young drillers”, “Designers”, “Linguists”, “Young  geophysicists”, “Young geologists”, “Young hydrogeologists”, “Youngmineralogists”, “Young geodesists”, “Young engineers”, “Young industrialists”,“Technology steps”, “Young mechanics”, “Energy and resource saving technologiesbased on digital electronics”, “Physicists-engineers”, “Young ecologists”,“Radical”, “Young philosophers”, “Young chemical  technologists”, “Young economists”, “Development of  software for automated information  communications”, “Scientific group of teachers, experts and students in software development of cybersecurity”, “The art of programming”, “Young mathematicians”, “Masters-drillers”, “In search of  black gold”, “Happy oilmen”,and “Smart  youth” operate  in  the  Council  of  Young  Scientists of  the  university.

     Research and design  circles of  students carry  out their work in accordance with the scientific directions of the universityand prepare recommendations  for  implementation in industry at the production  enterprises of the oil and gas, chemical, construction and energy complexes of  Turkmenistan and other sectoral  management  organizations.


     Scientifically substantiated innovative  business-technological projects, “Start-up” projects, the  possibility of developing technologies  for the production of  new composite  materials and engineering  products based on local oil and gas and other chemical raw materials, new technologies of   Turkmenistan,  important intellectual and logical conversations willbe introduced at the “Engineering  Academy” , as well as the exchange  of  experience, such as holding consultations  with leading professors  and discussing these topical issues about the  possibilities of  registration  through a patent document for inventions, the  degree of their ability to replace foreign goods and the possibility of their  introduction into production.

     General  Directorate of Ratings

     The General Directorate of  Ratings was established at  the  university on  the  basis  of  the instructions given by the President on the accelerated  development of higher educational  institutions as centers of education,culture, science and new technologies and increasing the efficiency of the workcarried out in order to include the country's higher educational institutionsin  the list of prestigious higher educational institutions in the world.

     The  Genera l Directorate  of  Ratings is a voluntary  and  self-governing  scientific  and  public  organization  of  youth, created on the basis  of  the  university's  social initiatives  to include the universityin the  lists of international higher educational institutions, obtain  international accreditation, enter the  lists  of  world  university  rankings,establish international academic mobility of professors,  young  scientists andstudents, hold competitions like “Faculty of the Month”, “Department of the Month”, “Teacher of the Month”  and “Student  of  the  Month”,  publish  articles in journals  indexed in “Scopus”, “ScienceDirect”, “Web ofScience”, “Google Scholar”, “RSCI” and other international sources of  scientific and  technical  information and other rating and creative activities.

     The  main  responsible for  the Ratings is carried  out in accordance with  the  University's  Action  Plan on  the “Conceptof the President of  Turkmenistan on the implementatio n of activities  provided for the education system in the plans, programs and strategies  of  December 4,2020 on the  approval of programs, plans and strategies for cooperation with international organizations of Turkmenistan  No. 2007”, “Concepts  for inclusion in the list of international higher education institutions”, “Concepts for the competition  Student of  the  month, Teacher  of the  month, Department of  the month and Faculty  of the month” and on implementation, monthly official statistical-ball-monitoring reports on thework performed  are developed and prepared.

      In order to improve  the  quality  of  work  carried  out by  scientific  and pedagogical staff on the rating assessment at university, teachers of  the  Department of  Modern  Computer  Technologies  and the Department  of  Cybersecurity of  the Digital Technologies  and  Cybersecurity  faculty  developed  the iRating software  program, which allows to automate  acquisition process in registration  of  the  activities  of  teachers  and  students of the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and Gas University.

     This  program is installed in the internal  local  network of our university and is fully functional. Vice deans of all faculties  regularly introduce  to this program the achievements and accomplishments of  teachers and students belonging to their faculties.

     In May  2023, the professors and teachers of the  university carried out significant work to establish the international accreditation of the university and enter the list of world university  rankings.

     On March 3, 2023, the President  of  the Association of Asian Universities sent a notification to  the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and Gas University  about  acceptance of our university as anassociate member of this structure  at  the  international level. In this regard,the university was  awarded  the “Overall  SDG  Ranking 1001+” high performance certificate from the worlduniversity ranking organization “Times Higher Education”.

     On  April 26-27, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the “International mobile forum to attract foreign  investment in  the oil and gas industry of  Turkmenistan” was held. At this forum, the rector of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University spoke on the topic “Methods and prospects for the production of hydrogen energyin industry”.

     On  April 27, 2023, a scientific and educational  seminar was held at the Information Technology  Center of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University on the topic “Exchange of experience in publishing scientific papers in indexed publications for inclusion in the listof  leading international higher educational institutions in the world”. This scientific and educational seminar was held on the basis of the instruction  given by the President of Turkmenistan on February 7, 2020 at a comprehensive  meeting of  the Cabinet of  Ministers  of  Turkmenistan, on the inclusion of higher  educational institutions of  the country in the list of higher  educational  institutions of  the international level until 2024, as well as in order tofulfill the tasks specified in the “Action plan for the inclusion of  higher  educational institutions of our country in the list of  higher educational  institutions of international level until 2024” of the  Ministry of  Education of  Turkmenistan. It was held via digital video communication between all the higher  institutions and scientific and educational enterprises of the country.

     47  teachers and 8  students of  the Yagshygeldi   Kakayev  International  Oil  and  Gas University actively participated at  the 5th International Scientific and  Practical  Conference  “Problems  and  Prospects of  Technological Education  in  Russia and Abroad” held on  March 2, 2023, organized  by the P.P. Ershov  Ishim Pedagogical Institute, a branch of the Tyumen State  University, the Russian Federation. On April 28, 2023, the teachers  and  students for active participation and scientific  articles were awarded with Certificates of  Appreciation  and  Honor, Certificates, of I and II degree Diplomas byN.I.Sabayeva, the director of this Institute through digital video communication.   

     Through the efforts  of our  Esteemed  President,  the country is increasing the number of modern higher educational institutions, strengthening  the material  and  technical  base,  improving  the  legal  framework  of  the national education system, taking into account the needs of a  rapidly  growing digital economy, introducing new professional courses, modernizing  curricula, educational programs, introducing innovative teaching methods.Higher educational  institutions  of  the  country are increasingly cooperating  with prestigious  higher  educational  institutions, scientific and educational  centers of the world.

     In order to improve activities  in  this  area, the  President of  Turkmenistan  set  the task to include the country's higher  educational institutions in the list of international higher educational  institutions by 2024.

     In the fifth  edition of the global  annual  impactrating  THE “Impact  Rankings-2023”, eight  higher  educational  institutions of Turkmenistan were immediately evaluated,  as well as were highly appreciated by independent international experts “Times Higher Education (THE)”.

     THE  Impact  Rankings  has  been  conducted  since  2019   and  is  currently  the only global performance  ranking. The list ranks universities based on their achievement of  the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  created  by  the United Nations, which aim  to  increase  the level  of  socialand  economic development. Eight higher education  institutions of the country have taken a strong  place  among higher education institutions  striving  for higher performance and entered the world ranking THE “Impact Rankings-2023”. They are: the  International University of  Humanitiesa nd Development, the Oguz Han  Engineering and Technology University, the State Energy Institute of  Turkmenistan, the Institute of Telecommunications  and Informatics of  Turkmenistan, the Turkmen  Agricultural Institute, the Turkmen State  Institute of Architecture and Construction, the Turkmen State  Institute of Economics and  Management  and the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and Gas University.Higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan were included in the “Impact  Rankings-2023” for their active and  effective participation inthe 11 goals of Sustainable Development Goals: “Quality of  Education”, “Affordable  and Clean Energy”, “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”, “Zero Hunger”, “Gender  Equality”, “Dry Call” “Protection of the Earth's ecosystem”, “Health  and well-being”, “Clean water and sanitation”, “Fair work and economic  development”, “Sustainable  cities and towns” and “Partnerships to achieve the goals”. Each of the higher educational institutions demonstrated their  commitment to four goals, including SDG 17 (collaboration to achieve thegoals).

     Higher  education  institutions  participating  in the ranking can provide information to assess  the  desirability of  the  UN SDG.The overall   ranking  includes  institutions that provided information on SDG 17 (collaboration to achieve the goals) and  at least  three other  SDGs. The university's  overall score on the overall list is  calculated by adding  its SDG17 score to the top three scores on other  SDG scores. The  English  organization Times  Higher  Education, based in London, is  recognized as one of the leading organizations  in the world  ranking of prestigious and popular higher  education institutions. Nearly 1,600 higher education institutions from  112  countries  have participated in  THE Impact 2023. The  number  of participants in the ranking is  increasing every year, as more institutions strive to demonstrate  their commitment  toachieving the SDGs and join the prestigious global list of The Impact Rankings.The rating encourages its participants to show high success in achieving theSDGs, introduce new methods  and effectively improve  activities in this area,provide the organizers with more visible and transparent evidence of their  progress.

     It  should be noted that six of the eight higher  education institutions  mentioned  above are included in  this ranking  for  the first time. The  Yashygeldi  Kakayev  International  Oil  and  Gas University and  the Institute of  Telecommunications  and  Informatics  of Turkmenistan are   included in the  list  of  higher  educational institutions  of  the world  for the second time.Last year,  these  two universities  were included in  the  fourth publication  of  THE  Impact   Rankings-2022  for  the first time. In recent years,  higher educational  institutions  of   Turkmenistan  have  been  highly  appreciated by foreign experts.They have taken places in prestigious world  rankings  and, accordingly, have  received recognition at the world level. This is a clear evidence of the  large-scale and effective  activities  carried out in   the  field  of science and education in the country. International achievements, degrees and acoomplishments  of higher  educational  institutions of  the country show  the quality and  level of training of  specialists in the country and contribute to solving one  of  the main problems of the country, which  is to raise the national education systemto the level of world standards and include higher educational  institutions inthe list the world's leading higher educational institutions.


Contact details:

  1. Address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil Avenue, 8, main building.
  2. Tel.: (+99312) 39-13-03
  3. Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
  4. E-mail:    
  5. Web page: