Academic Department
The main directions of the Academic Department
The main directions of work of the education department of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International Oil and Gas University (IOGU) are: organizing educational work in accordance with the requirements of the time, providing quality education for students, training teachers,specialists and retraining employees, as well as systematic implementation and improvement of the digital education system.
Department Responsibilities:
· implement Decrees, Resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan, commissions, orders, requirements, directives, instructions and legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of education of Turkmenistan in educational work;
· systematically introduce into the educational process the Concepts for improving the teaching of foreign languages, subjects related to natural and exact sciences and for the development of the digital education system, the State Programs for the development of the digital economy, the integrated development of chemical science and technology and other relevant documents;
· adjust the methodological instructions for organizing the work of the teaching staff of higher professional educational institutions of Turkmenistan and regulate the main types of educational, methodological and other work in the organization of the educational process at the university;
· develop an internal charter and other relevant documents regulating the work of the university;
· Training of scientifically and practically developed specialists, bachelors and masters for the sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan;
· ensure the need for highly qualified personnel and highly educated specialists in Turkmenistan;
· organize educational and methodological seminars to improve the work of the teaching staff and in-depth training of students;
· carry out work according to the plan in order to further increase the regular participation of university students in competitions on subjects and internet olympiads at the international and state levels;
· professional development of professors and teachers;
· establishing of the work of faculties, departments and other structural units in the preparation of study schedules;
· preparation of training plans, schedules of studies, intermediate assessments, tests and exams;
· proper organization of education and professional training,selection of personnel in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
· control the compliance of study schedules and the quality of teaching, conducting intermediate assessments;
· formally prepare the work of the state examination commission and ensure its proper realization;
· control the correctness of the volume calculation of teaching load in the departments;
· development of academic plan, standard and working curricula and other educational documents;
· organization of educational and methodological events with the participation of professors, teachers and specialists of prestigious higher educational institutions of our country and foreign countries;
· material-technical support and instrumentation for educational activities, equipment and modernization of classrooms in accordance with established standards and requirements;
· answering letters on academic issues and drafting documents;
· establishing the process of preparing textbooks, teaching aids and other educational literature and documents;
· coordination of the work of faculties and departments on the organization and conduct of educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice ofstudents;
· control the timely implementation of orders of the Ministry of education of Turkmenistan, orders of the rector and instructions of the vice-rector for academic affairs.
Contact Information:
- Address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Archabil Avenue 8, Administrative Block, 7th floor, Room 713
- Tel.: (+99312) 39-13-05
- Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
- Website: