About the university

About the university

     The Turkmen Polytechnic  Institute  was  founded on the basis of the former  technical faculty of the Magtymguly Turkmen State University.  In 1955, the faculty of  Engineering  began training  engineers  with  higher  education  in  the  specialties  of  “Engineering Geology”,  “Construction  of  industrial  and  civil  structures”  and  “Water  supply and  wastewater treatment”.  In 1960, 3 new faculties: “Petroleum”, “Engineering  and  Construction”  and  “Mechanical and Energy”  were  founded  together with the technical faculty. The Turkmen Polytechnic Institute was established  on  September 1, 1963 in accordance  with  the  resolution of  the Central Committee of the Communistic Party  of Turkmenistan and  the Council  of  Ministers of the Turkmen SSR dated June 14,1963. There were 4  faculties and 26 departments at the institute.


      The  Turkmen  State  oil and gas institute  was established on May 25, 2012 on the basis of the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan.  By the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan  dated  August 9, 2013, the Turkmen State oil and gas institute  was given  the status of an international university and was  renamed the International oil and gas university.  On February 12, 2021, in accordance  with  the  Decree of  the  Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the International oil and gas university  was named after Yagshygeldi Kakayev, in connection with which it was renamed  the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International oil and gas university (IOGU).

      IOGU trains high-level  specialists, bachelors and masters for ministries and administrative  departments of the Oil and gas industry. The training of high-level specialists, the conduct of scientific  research at IOGU is carried out jointly with the research institutes of the  Academy of Sciences of  Turkmenistan and  the production enterprises of  the Oil  and gas industry, as well as with the  Research  institute  of natural gas of the “Turkmengas” State Concern.

      The structure of  IOGU consists  of  the  Innovative  research and education  center, the  Information  technology  center, the Research and education center, acenter for hydrogen  energy, 86 classrooms  equipped  with  modern  equipment, video  projectors and interactive  whiteboards, language laboratories, 5 educational  buildings, 2 museums, an exhibition hall , 6 dormitories, canteen, shop andsport complex.

      The  university  computers  are  equipped  with  programs such as  Adobe  Photoshop, Corel  Draw, AutoCAD, Embarcadero  Delphi, Visual C,  Adobe Flash,  Microsoft  SQL Server.

      A digital educational portal, electronic document  management  are  integrated into the IOGU digital education  system, and an official  website has been created on the Internet.  Currently, the university has 7 faculties, afaculty for advanced  training and 32 departments.  More than 6,500 students receive modern  education in 10 areas and 23 specialties, as well as in 14 bachelor’s and 2 master's areas.  About 500 professors and  teachers work at the departments of the university, including 5 doctors of sciences and 28 candidates of sciences. In the  graduate  school of the university, 17 postgraduates and doctoral  students conduct research and design work aimed at solving  urgent tasks of the  oil and gas complex.

      IOGU conducts mutually beneficial  international cooperation in the field of science and education with leading  universities in Russia, Belarus, Romania, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the United Arab  Emirates, Germany, Austria, Italy, Korea, Uzbekistan, China and other  countries.


     On the basis of the “Concept for the Development of the Digital  Education System in Turkmenistan”, the university trains specialists, bachelors  and masters in 10 areas: “Applied geology, mining, oil and gas business and  geodesy”, “Chemical technologies”, “Technospheric safety and environmental  management”, “Management in technical systems”, “Computer science and computer  engineering”, “Information security”, “Engineering”, “Engineering and  construction technologies”, “Electric and thermal power engineering”,“Economics and management”.

      In accordance  with the “Concept  for the development of the digital education system in Turkmenistan” and the  plan for its implementation,  approved by the Decree of the President of  Turkmenistan, an internal local network has been created at the university.  A digital educational portal  created on the base of the local network, includes electronic documents in established formats, electronic  textbooks, manuals and  presentations,  methodological  manuals, audio and video recordings  of  lectures, practical and laboratory classes of  professors  and teachers of  the university, as well as  videos that reveal the products of ministries and departments of the oil and  gas complex.  The material and technical  base of the university is constantly being strengthened, at the same time  the  possibilities of highly qualified  professors and teachers are increasing to ensure high-quality and modern  education.

     Every year, students of IOGU undergo study practice, project,  experimental  design  practice, production and pre-diploma practice at  the university, the  Ministries  and  sectoral management  enterprises  of  the  Oil and  gas complex. There are basic departments of IOGU in the  Academy of  sciences of Turkmenistan, the Ministries  and  institutions of departmental  management of  Turkmenistan for  the  purpose of joint research, project, experimental design  works.

     On  July 25, 2013, IOGU became a member of the  International  Union of  Universities and was  awarded the international award “European Quality” of  the  Socratic Committee of the European  Business  Assembly (Europe  Business Assembly,  Oxford, UK).  This organization,  founded  in 1950, is  located  in  the  Paris building  of  UNESCO and  includes 630  universities.  IOGU was awarded a gold  medal, its sign and diploma of  the international competition “Gold  Medal of the  SEIN Association” for the training of highly qualified specialists and great  achievements in the field of science and education.


      Thanks to the efforts  of  the  Esteemed  President, the  number  of  modern  higher  education  institutions  is  increasing in the country, the material and technical  base is being  strengthened, the legislative  base of  the  national education  system is being developed, new professional courses are being  introduced  taking into account  the needs of the rapidly developing  digital economy, curricula and training  programs are being improved and innovative teaching methods are being  introduced. Higher educational institutions of the country are expanding  cooperation with prestigious  higher educational  institutions, scientific and  educational organizations of  the  world.


      In order to further improve  activities  in  this  direction, the President of Turkmenistan set the task toinclude the country's higher educational  institutions  in  the international  list  of higher educational  institutions  by  2024. In accordance  with  the  action  planto include  the  country's universities  in the  list of international  higher  education  institutions  by  2024,  аccording to the ranking indices “Impact Rankings 2022” and “Impact Rankings 2023”, conducted annually by the world ranking organization THE (Times Higher Education), located in London, UK, the university has been included in the list of world universities rankings for two years in a row, and in October 2022, based on the results of research and educational activities carried out at the university, it was included as a Correspondent member in the list of world university rankings “World University Rankings 2023”, conducted by the world ranking organization THE (Times Higher Education).


In 2023, the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University was also accepted as an associated member of the Association of Asian Universities, a member of the Association of Technical Universities and was included in the list of environmental rankings of world universities “UI Green Metric”, which are annually conducted by the University of Indonesia.


     In  accordance  with  the  State  Program  for  the  Comprehensive Development  of  Chemical  Science  and  Technology in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025  and  its  Implementation Plan, on May 4,  2022,  the international online Olympiad on  chemistry was held on high level at  IOGU with the  participation  of  students   from  universities of  our  country and foreign countries.  More than 300 students from 17 countries of  the world took part in the Olympiad. The winners of the Olympiad were awarded  diplomas of 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd degrees.

      Talented student youth of the  university regularly take part in competitions held at the national and  international levels in various subjects and win diplomas and medals.


      On February 24, 2023, declared  as the  year  of  “Happy Youth  with Arkadag Serdar”, in  order  to  implement the tasks,in accordance  with the “Roadmap  for the development  of  international  cooperation in the field of  hydrogen energy of  Turkmenistan for 2022-2023”  approved  by the Decree  of  the  President of  Turkmenistan No. 2581 dated January 28,  2022, an  international scientific and  practical  conference on the topic “Technical  opportunities for obtaining  hydrogen  energy  from  natural gas”  was held through  video-communication  in  the  conference hall of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International oil and gas  university.

      The  conference  was  attended by  representatives of  foreign  international organizations, companies, technical  universities, ministries and  administrative   departments of  our country, well-known scientists, professors, teachers and students, as well as about 100  specialists  from  scientific  and educational  systems from more than 20 countries. The agenda of the international scientific and practical conference  included  such  issues  as  cooperation  in  priority  areas  of  scientific  research, processing and development of hydrogen energy.

Contact Information

  • The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue, 8, Main building