
Praduates of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev international university of oil and gas

     Duringthe period of prosperity of our sovereign state on May 25, 2012, by the Decreeof the Respected President of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen Polytechnic Institutewas closed and the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldy Kakaev was established.

     Currently,the university trains and graduates specialists with higher education, bachelors and masters in 23 specialties and 5 directions  for ministries andenterprises of the sectoral management of the oil and gas complex, such as thestate corporation       Turkmengeologiya, state concerns Turkmengaz, Turkmennebit, Turkmenhimiya ”, the main department “Turkmennebitonumleri”, the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries, the complexes of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan, the main state service“ Turkmenstandartlary ”.

   Thefirst graduation of specialists by the newly created university was carried outin 2017.

    Graduatesof the International University of Oil and Gas Yagshygeldi Kakayev success fullywork at enterprises of sectoral management and other state-owned enterprises ofthe oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, act as creative talented professionalsand organizers in design organizations, management organizations (cities, velayats and districts), scientific and scientific-design organizations, as wellas in higher and middle special educational institutions, in the activities of teachers show themselves on the good side. In addition, they also holdpositions of responsibility in the state legislative and executive authoritiesof Turkmenistan.

    The workof university graduates is aimed at exploration, drilling, development, design,oil and gas processing, the introduction of digital innovative technologies inproduction, the development of engineering management services.
