Physical education and sport

Achievements of the university in sports

15 September 2022

       The development of high-level sports and mass-sport movement in Turkmenistan, aswell as the implementation of a wide range of measures to promote a healthylifestyle are in the focus of attention of President Serdar Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan. 

       Inrecent years, the prestige of Turkmen sports on the world stage has beengrowing. Various sports competitions are held regularly on the basis of stateorganizations and universities. Factors such as the availability ofwell-equipped sports complexes and high training potential play a crucial rolein the rapid development of national sports.

      The university has a closed sports complex that meets the requirements of allinternational sports standards. The complex has 213 spectator swimming pools, 213 spectator halls for various sports (tennis, mini-football, basketball,volleyball and handball halls), gyms and boxing fields. There are indoor andoutdoor basketball and volleyball courts. Adjacent to the sports complex arelarge and small soccer fields, long distance trekking and outdoor athleticfields, numerous gyms and various sports equipment.


         Toimplement the initiatives of the Distinguished President in the field ofphysical education and sports, the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Universityof Oil and Gas has a student sports club equipped with the latest sportsequipment, and its task is to create conditions for improving the health ofstudents and playing sports. The student sports club is designed to contribute tothe upbringing of a healthy, physically strong, spiritually rich younggeneration and to increase students' interest in physical education and sports.The student sports club has a number of sports sections. Student youth withgreat enthusiasm and activity participate in the work of these groups in theirfree time. The university regularly hosts educational and training events andcompetitions in various sports.

      Universitysports students actively participate in national and international competitionsand achieve success.

      The basketball team   “Nebitchi” of the University successfully performed at the 2014 basketball championship of Turkmenistan, in the year of Makhtumguly Pyragy and took first place.

      The volleyball team “Nebitchi”  of the University successfully performed in the 2015 volleyball championship of Turkmenistan, in the “Year of Neutrality and Peace”, and won first place.

       In 2020, in the “Year of Turkmenistan -homeland of neutrality”, senior lecturer of the Department of PhysicalEducation of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University ofAkhmedov Yolgeldy took part in a chess competition among university professorsand took the third prize. The seniorlecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Faculty of Economics andManagement Khudayberenov Ovezmammet also took part in these competitions andalso took the third place.

     Orakov Nurmukhammet, a lecturer at the Faculty of Geology of the University, hassuccessfully won first place in the swimming championship among teachers ofhigher educational institutions in 2020 - in the year "Turkmenistan is theMotherland of Neutrality".

     In 2020, in the year "Turkmenistan is the Homeland of Neutrality", a 2ndyear student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University BabekovNiyazmyrat took part in a sambo sports tournament among students of highereducational institutions and took the thirdprize.

     Ishanguliev  Eyeberdi, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Geology of the University ofGeology, took part in sports competitions in the kind of sport "FreeWrestling" and took 3rd place, and a 3rd year student of the Faculty ofEnergy and Engineering Structures speciality GTDweGKS Sabirov Adulazim took the 2nd place.

     First-year student of the Faculty of Geology of the University Nargul Begnazarova, takingpart in sports competitions in 2021 - in the year "Turkmenistan - Homelandof Peace and Trust" in table tennis among university students took the 1st place.

     Students-athletes  of the university compete in 23 sports at the Universiade among theuniversities of Turkmenistan, held under the motto "Turkmenistan is acountry of health and inspiration" and take prizes.

    In the  university regularly are carried out sports events dedicated to the gloriousholidays of Turkmenistan, as well as students take walks along the "Roadof Health", take part in bicycle marathons.


      A new achievement for our athletes

      As  a   result  of the noble anduniversal policy of our esteemed  President - the Leader of  the Nation, in the Year of  “Epochof   the   people  with Arkadag”, Turkmenistan has made   great  strides  in all  fields, including  science  education,health and sports. The   creation of international higher education  institutions in our country for the educationof our youth at the internationallevel, for the study of science and profession, the opening of   a number of international hospitals  to protect the health of the people, as well as the  construction and commissioning  of a number of sportsfacilities, complexes,stadiums and sports schools for the purpose ofstrengthening   the health of the people and spreading the prestige ofour countryare a clear example of thisprogress.

      Yagshygeldi  Kakayev   International University of Oil and Gas makes aworthy contribution to   the important,   all-importanthumanitarian work of our Honorable President - ourCommander with  Arkadag in the Year of Epoch of the people with Arkadag,that is,highly skilled specialists in a number of fields. There is also a lotofemphasis on sports in higher education. University   student athletestakepart in state-level competitions in various sports and win prizes. In theYearof Epoch of the people with Arkadag, they managed to win thefirstplace in the Men's Volleyball Championship.

      The competition was very interesting and controversial. The top 10 (ten)volleyballteams in the country were divided into two groups and played eachother todetermine the 1st and 2nd places in the group.

       As a resultof the games,the winners of the 1st and 2nd places in the teams were announcedand theyplayed in the semi-finals. The Nebitchi team of YagshigeldiKakayevInternational University of Oil and Gas managed to take the 1st placeamong theteams and reached the semi-finals.

      In the semi-finals,ourNebitchi team defeated Migrasiya 3-1 and qualified for the final.


       Cup of Ashgabatcity

      Turkmenistan'shigh reputation in the world of sportsclearly shows that under the leadership of the Esteemed President, specialattention is paid to this direction. Thechampionships of Turkmenistan are alsoheld at a high level of organization.

      The teachers of Yagshegeldi KakayevInternational Oiland Gas University are doing effective work in attractingyoung people tophysical education and sports, promoting healthy lifestyles. Theymake avaluable contribution to the harmonious development of physicaleducation andsports and the development of young athletes.

      From October 13 to 16, 2022, a competition was heldamongthe teachers of the Yagshegeldi Kakayev International Oil and GasUniversity to win the Cup ofAshgabat in the table tennis sport. In thiscompetition, the teacher-learner ofthe University's Faculty of DigitalTechnologies and Cyber Security, Niyazgylyjova Oguljennet, wonthe III place.

This clearly shows that the tasks setfor Turkmensports to reach new heights are successfully implemented.

                                                       Deserved the first place

The  Revival  period  of the  new  epoch  of  stable  state  is a  great  and  glorious  period  for  our dear  Motherland.  Successful developments have reached high levelsin the sports sector of our country, which fills our hearts with happiness. Asa result of the successful implementation of public initiatives in our belovedcountry, sports events are becoming increasingly popular.

The  achievements  of  Turkmensportsmen in the year "The Era of the People with Arkadag" testify tothe fact that Turkmenistan has become a sports country.

The  students  of  Yagshegeldi Kakaev International Oil and Gas University also participated in thechampionship of Turkmenistan in the sport of  Thai-Box (Muaythai)  and  won  prizes.

Gurbanov  Agajan, a  4th-year student of theUniversity's Faculty of Energy and Engineering Facilities, won 1st place in theThai-Box (Muaythai) Championship of Turkmenistan on October 15-16, 2022 in  the  weight  category  of  86  kg.

Inspired  by  the  opportunities created  by  our  Sardar  with  Arkadag, our  young  people  also  participate  in international  competitions  and win  prizes.


      Wushu Championship of Turkmenistan

     In our independent country, great work is being donein the field of creating adeveloped system of sports, educating physically andmentally healthy generations.

      Encouraged by the comprehensive opportunities createdby our Serdar with Arkadag, our youth participate in international competitionsand win prizes.

       Asa result of the President's policy,Turkmenistan's championships in various sports are held in order to identifysportsmen who can make a worthy contributionto the development of the country'ssports reputation in the world.

      Such championships were also held in Ashgabat inOctober 2022.

      In the Wushu Championship of Turkmenistan, our studentathletes Gurbanov Agajanwon the first place in the 85 kg weight category, and Gylyjov Eziz won the third place in the 90 kg category.


           Athletics Championship of Turkmenistan

      In our independent country, great work is being donein the field of creating a developed system of sports, educating physically andmentally healthy generations.

       Encouraged by the comprehensive opportunities createdby our Serdar with Arkadag, our youth participate in international competitionsand win prizes.

      Asa result of the President's policy, Turkmenistan'schampionships in various sports are held in order to identify sportsmen who canmake a worthy contribution to the development of the country's sportsreputation in the world.

      Such championships were also held in Ashgabat inOctober 2022.

      Our student-athlete Pena Babanyyazov successfullyperformed in the 800-meter and1500-meter distances at the Athletics Championship of Turkmenistan and won the first place.


      “Healthy lifestyle is the key to prosperous future”Sports Week

     The  fact  that Turkmenistan  occupies  an  honorable  place  on the  world  sports  arena  clearly  demonstrates that  under  the  leadership  of  the  EsteemedPresident, special  attention  is  paid  to this  field  in  the  country.

     Teachers  of  the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International Oil  and  GasUniversity  perform  effective  work  to attract  young  people  to  physical  culture and  sports, promote  a  healthy  lifestyle. They make  a  worthy  contribution  to  the harmonious  development  of  physical  culture and  sports  and  the formation of  young  athletes.

     On  the  occasion of  2023  announcement  as  the  year of “Happy Youth  with  Arkadag Serdar”,competitions  in various  sports  were  held  at  the sports  week entitled “Healthylifestyle  is  the  keyto  prosperous future” at  the Yagshygeldi Kakayev  International  Oil  and  Gas University from  May 8 to 13.


      Successful performance

     Large-scale  work  isbeing  performed  in  our  country  to create  developed  system  of  sports  and education  of physically  and  spiritually  healthygenerations. As  a  result  of  the  Esteemed President's  wise  policy, in  order  to  identifyathletes  capable  of  bearing  the  country's sporting  honor,competitions  are held to win the Cup of Turkmenistanin various sports.

     Being  inspired by  wide  opportunities  created  by  Arkadag Serdar, our  youth  participates  and  takes prizes  in  variouscompetitions.

     On  May 7, 2023, which was  declared  the  year  of “Happy  Youth withArkadag  Serdar”, competitions  were  held  inAshgabat  to  win  theTurkmenistan  Cup  in gymnastics.

     Hasanov  Ramazan, 1st year  student  of   the  Faculty  of Chemical  Technology  and  Ecology  of Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International  Oil  and  Gas University, successfully  performed  in  gymnastics and  took  first  place.


    Success in the world cup competition

     New pages are being written in thehistory of Turkmen sports in the Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State.Currently, Turkmenistan is known as a country with a developed sports system,capable of successfully hosting world-class competitions.

   On March 24-27, 2023, declared the “Yearof Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, Turkmen athletes successfully performed atthe Combat Sambo World Cup competitions held in the city of Moscow of theRussian Federation.

   A 3 rd year student of the Faculty ofEnergy and Mechanical Engineering of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev InternationalUniversity of Oil and Gas Mammetgurbanov Mammetgurban successfully performed inthe competition and took 3rd place in the 88 kg weight category.

  This achievement clearly indicates that thetasks set for sports to reach new heights in our country are being successfullyimplemented.

  The successful performance of our athletes atthe world level causes a feeling of joy and pride among sports fans.


       First place  winner

       A lot of  work is  done in  the  country  in  the field  of  creating  a  developed  sports system, bringing  up  a  physically  and  mentallyhealthy  generation. Thanks  to  the  wise  policyof  the  Esteemed  President,  championships  of Turkmenistan  in  various  sports  are organized in  order  to  identify  athletes  who can increase  the  sporting  prestige  of  the country.

     Inspiredby the broad opportunitiescreated by our Arkadag Serdar, our youth take prizewinning places in internationalcompetitions.

     On  September  9-10   of   the   year  Happy   Youth   with  Arkadag  Serdar,  the Athletics  (half  marathon) Championship  of  Turkmenistanwas   held  in  the  city  of Gyzylarbat,  at  which  Pena  Babaniyazov, a  2nd year  student  of  the  Geological  Faculty of  the  Yagshigeldy Kakaev  International University  of  Oil  and  Gas, managed  to take  first  place, having  successfully  competed  in  a  10-kilometer  athletics race  (half marathon).


      Success of volleyball players

      The   high  prestige of  Turkmenistan in  the world  of  sports is explained by the special  attention paid  to this  aren in the country under  the  leadership  of the Esteemed  President.

     Between  September  11 and  19, 2023, declared  the “Year of Happy Youth with  Arkadag Serdar”, on the occasion  of  celebrating  the 32nd  anniversary of   the   independence  of Turkmenistan, the  official admission  of  the Youth  Organization  of  Turkmenistan  named  after Magtymguly as  a  full  member to the UNESCO  Global  Youth  Community, as   well  as  the International  Day of  University  Sport, theTurkmen   State  Institute of  Physical   Education  and  Sports hosted  mass  physical  training, sports, health-improving and  cultural  events  under the  title“Sport,healthy   lifestyle - the  main  principle of  happy  youth with  Arkadag  Serdar”among students  of  higher  educational  institutions  ofthe  country, as  part  of  which  a volleyball   competition  (men’s   teams) was held. The volleyball  team “Nebitchi” of  the International  University of  Oil  and Gas  named  after Yagshageldi  Kakaev  won the  first  place  in  the  competition  in the  team  classification.

     This  success  inspires young  people to improve  their  performance in  the  future  and  fills  them  with a  sense  of  joy  and  pride.


       Tournaments  that  inspire to win new victories

      During the Revival of the New Epoch of the PowerfulState, new glorious pages are written in the history of Turkmen sports.Currently, Turkmenistan is known throughout the world as a country with adeveloped sports system, capable of successfully hosting world-classcompetitions.

    Rahmanov Aymyrat, 3rd year student of theDigital Technologies and Cyber Security Faculty of the International Universityof Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, took first place in the weightcategory 63.5 kg at the kickboxing competitions for the Turkmenistan Cup heldin the city of Ashgabat between December 10 and 12, 2023 that was declared theyear “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”.

    This success clearly shows that the objectivesset to bring sports in our country to new heights of progress are successfullyimplemented.

    The successful performances of our athletesfill sports fans with a sense of joy and pride.


      Competition   winners

      The high prestige of Turkmenistan in thesports world clearly indicates that special attention is paid to this areaunder the leadership of our Arkadag Hero Serdar. Championships in the countryare held at the highest organizational level.

      The International University of Oil and Gasnamed after Yagshygeldi Kakaev carries out effective activities to attractyoung people to physical education and sports, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

      In the karate-do competitions held among studentsof higher educational institutions of the country on December 12-13, 2023, onthe  28 th anniversary of  the Neutrality of Turkmenistan and the outcomes of theyear “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar,” Annadurdyev Byashimmyrat, a second-yearstudent at the Faculty of Oil and Gas of the International University of Oil andGas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, successfully performed in the 67 kg weightcategory, winning 1st place.

      Begjanov Hemra, a 1st year student at theFaculty of Oil Industry of the Balkanabat branch of the InternationalUniversity of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, also successfullycompeted in karate-do competitions in the 84 kg weight category and took secondplace.

      These achievements testify to the successfulimplementation of the objectives set to bring sports in our country to the higherlevel of progress.


    Sportsachievements of students

    In the period of the Revival of the New Epochof the Powerful State, new pages are written into the history of Turkmensports. Today Turkmenistan is known as the country with a developed sportssystem, capable of successfully hosting world-class competitions.

    The Turkmenistan Freestyle WrestlingChampionship was held from December 17 to 19, 2023.

    In the freestyle wrestling competitions,Hojalyev Orazmuhammet, a 1st year student at the Faculty of Energy andEngineering Facilities of the International University of Oil and Gas named afterYagshygeldi Kakaev, took 2nd place in the 92 kg weight category, andAtaev Parakhat, a 1st year student at the Faculty of Geology, won 1st placein the 79 kg weight category.

    On December 17-19, 2023, in the judo competitions at the 13th Student Games “Turkmenistan - the country of inspirationand health”, held among higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan,Ramazanov Mekan, a 1st year student at the Faculty of Geology, was awarded 2ndplace in the 60 kg weight category, and 1st year student of the samefaculty Agamammedov Ali took 3d place in the 60 kg weight category.Kemalov Ylham, a 4th year student at the Faculty of Oil and Gas, who competedin the 90 kg weight category, could win 1st place.

    In the swimming competitions for theOpen Cup of Turkmenistan, held on December 18-19, 2023, Zhalaev Musa, a 1styear student at the Faculty of Geology, successfully performed in the 50-meterfreestyle, 100-meter breaststroke and 4x100 relay, and was awarded 1st place.

    The “Gara altyn” team of the InternationalUniversity of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev won 1st placein the futsal tournament for the Turkmenistan Cup held from December 15to 20, 2023.

    The successful performances of our athletesevoke feelings of joy and pride among the sports fans.

    These achievements clearly show the successfulimplementation of the objectives set to advance sports in our country to thehigher level.


     Central AsianChampionship

    In the period of the Revival of the New Epoch of thePowerful State, new pages are written in the history of Turkmen sports. TodayTurkmenistan is known as the country with a developed sports system, capable ofsuccessfully hosting world-class competitions.

    Turkmen athletes successfully performed atcompetitions held as part of the Central Asian Wushu Championship in the cityof Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, from December 18 to 21, 2023, declared the“Year of Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar.”

    In the competition, Gurbanov Agadjan, a 5th yearstudent at the Faculty of Energy and Engineering Facilities of the YagshygeldiKakaev International University of Oil and Gas, won 3rd place in the 90 kgweight category.

    This achievement is a striking illustration of thesuccessful implementation of the goals set in our country to advance sports to thehigher level.

    The successful world-level performances of our athletes fill our sportsfans with a sense of joy and pride


     First place winner

    Large-scale work is carried out in our country in the field of creatinga developed sports system, educating physically and psychologically healthygenerations. As a result of the wise policy of the Esteemed President,championships of Turkmenistan are held in various sports, designed to identifyathletes capable of increasing the sporting prestige of the country.

    Inspired by the ample opportunities created by our Arkadag Hero Serdar,our youth participates in international competitions, taking prize winningplaces.

    On January 21, 2024 declared the year “The Fount of Wisdom of MagtymgulyPyragy”, the Winter Championship of Turkmenistan in athletics was held inAshgabat. At the Winter Championship of Turkmenistan, Pena Babaniyazov, a 2ndyear student at the Faculty of Geology of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev InternationalUniversity of Oil and Gas, successfully competed in the 800-meter race inathletics, having takeb first place.



       Under the leadership of the Esteemed  President, the particular attention is paid inthe country to the development of physical education and sports. Sports competitions  are held in the country at the highest organizational level.

      New pages are  added to the history of the Turkmensports in the periodof the Revival  of the  New Eraof the Powerful State. Today, Turkmenistan is known as a country of developed sports,capable of successfully  hosting world-level competitions.

        Aimyrat  Rakhmanov, the third-year student of  the Faculty of  Digital  Technologies and  Cybersecurity of the Yagshegeldy Kakaev International University of Oiland Gas, took the firstplace in the 63.5 kg weight category at the Kickboxing  competition of the Turkmenistan  Championship and the Ashgabat Open Championship, held from February 19 to 24,2024 , declared the year “The Fount of  the Mind of  Magtymguly Pyragy”, as  wellas Vepa Annamuhammedov, the third-year  student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, was awarded the first  placeat the Turkmenistan  Water Polo Championship.

      Sports fans feel a sense of  pride in the successful  performances of our athletes.


      Kurash tournament

    The high prestige of Turkmenistan in the world of sports clearly shows that special attention is paid to this area under the leadership of the Esteemed President. Championships in the country are held at the highest organizational level.

    Lecturers of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev carry out effective work to widely attract young people to physical training and sports, and promote a healthy lifestyle. They make a ponderable contribution to the harmonious development of physical culture and sports, as well as the formation of young athletes.

    Kemalov Ylham, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Oil and Gas of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas, successfully performed in the weight category of 90 kg, winning 1st place in the Turkmenistan Kurash Championship, held on February 25-27, 2024, declared the year “The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”.


     Glorious victories

    Thanks to the efforts of the Esteemed President Arkadag Hero Serdar, great development is ongoing in the country’s sports system. The result of these efforts is that Turkmenistan achieves high prestige in the world of sports. The country holds championships in various sports at a high organizational level.

    The International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev carries out effective work to attract young people to physical training and sports, and promote a healthy lifestyle.         

    Ramazanov Mekan, a 1st year student at the Geology Faculty of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas, successfully performed in the 60 kg weight category, winning 2nd place at the Open Judo Championship, held in Mary city, Mary Velayat from March 29 to 31, 2024, declared the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”.

    Agamammedov Ali, a 1st year student of the same faculty, also successfully performed in the 66 kg weight category at the judo tournament, and was awarded 2nd place.

    These achievements are clear evidence of the successful implementation of the objectives set to bring sports in our country to a higher level of development.


      Health means wealth

    As part of the joint program of Turkmenistan and the United Nations, an 800-meter race was held in the Olympic Park of Ashgabat city with the participation of student-athletes from higher education institutions, which was organized by the State Committee on Physical Education and Sports of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the World Health Day.

    Pena Babaniyazov, a 2nd year student at the Geology Faculty of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International University of Oil and Gas, managed to cover a distance of 800 meters in 1 minute 59 seconds in a mass race held under the title “Turkmenistan – the country of happy, healthy and inspired youth” among students of higher education institutions of Turkmenistan on April 5, 2024, declared the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy” and was awarded the 1st prize-winning place.

    Inspired by the wide opportunities created in the country by our Arkadag Hero Serdar, our youth participate in various competitions, taking prizes.


     Successes in phygital sports

    On April 1-6, 2024, declared the year “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy” the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports hosted competitions titled “Physical and digital sports - innovations in sports” among students of higher education institutions of the country in new phygical (physical+digital) sports such as phygital+football (football video game simulator+5x5 futsal), phygital+basketball (basketball video game stimulator+3x3 basketball), phygital+table tennis (table tennis video game simulator+electronic table tennis training set), phygital+karate-do (standing hold wrestling game simulator+karate-do). The competitions were organized jointly by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports of Turkmenistan, the National Student Sports Federation of Turkmenistan and the National Federation of Electronic Sports of Turkmenistan.

    Annadurdyev Byashimmyrat, a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Oil and Gas of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, successfully performed in the new sport phygital+karate-do, having won 1st place.

    Yangibaev Atajan, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Energy and Engineering Structures, Magtymov Aymyrat, a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Begmammedov Perman, a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity, Nepesov Rakhatmyrat, a 1st year student at the Geology Faculty, and Khanov Suleyman, a student at the Linguistics Department of the Faculty of Oil and Gas, having successfully performed in the new sport phygital+football, took third place.

    The successful performances of our athletes at the world level fill the hearts of sports fans with joy and pride.


      Historic achievement

    Our Honourable Hero Arkadag, our Arkadagly Hero Serdar attaches great importance to the development of sports in the country, to various kinds of sports in which the youth are engaged. Sports facilities that meet world standards are being built and put into operation in the country. These facilities are regularly used for training and various competitions.

    The national championship of men's club volleyball teams of Turkmenistan was held from October 2023 to April 2024. The IV stage of this tournament was held from 1 to 10 April 2024.

    The volleyball team "Nebitchi" of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas successfully participated in the competition and won the first place and the title of the Champion of Turkmenistan.

    The competitions were held at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas.

    These achievements inspire student-athletes to achieve even better results in the future.

      The road to the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games

      It is essential to promote sports and physical education as a means of promoting good health and well-being. Thus, thanks to the tireless efforts of our National Leader of Turkmen people, Hero Arcadag and Hero Serdar with Arcadag who stands for a healthy lifestyle and is our Hero, Turkmenistan has been able to present itself as a place for international sports cooperation to the world.

      This is fully confirmed by the great victories and high results of Turkmen sportsmen in recent years.

      From April 23 to May 3, 2024, the swimming competition was held at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

      Zhalayev Musa, a 1st year student of the Faculty of Geology of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Kakayev Yagshygeldi, won the 3rd place in the 800 meters freestyle swimming competition and was sent to participate in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games in Paris.

      We are very confident that Musa Zhalayev will succeed and win a prize at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games in Paris, and we wish success to our athlete who is full of dreams and strength.


      Success of the National volleyball team of Turkmenistan 

      The participation of Turkmen athletes in major international competitions is an obvious recognition of the sporting achievements of our country in the world and the sports policy implemented by Esteemed Arkadagly Hero President.

      The development of high-level sports and the physical culture and health movement in Turkmenistan, as well as the implementation of comprehensive measures to promote a healthy lifestyle are the focus of attention of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The authority of Turkmen sports on the world stage is increasing from year to year.

      In the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state, the development of public physical culture and sports, the Olympic movement became a noble principle. In our country, comprehensive work is being carried out to develop physical education and high-performance sports, to train international-level masters of sports and ensure their successful performances at major sporting competitions.

      The National volleyball team of Turkmenistan took part in the Asian tournament “CAVA Voleyball Nations League”, which was held in Islamabad (Pakistan) from May 9 to May 17 this year. In order to ensure high-quality preparation for the Asian tournament, the National volleyball team of Turkmenistan held its training camp in the city of Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from May 4 to May 10.

      From May 11 to May 17, 2024, the International tournament “League of Nations of the Central Asian Volleyball Association” was held in the city of Islamabad of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in which the National volleyball team of Turkmenistan took part.

      The tournament was attended by volleyball teams from 6 (six) Asian countries: the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkmenistan, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

      In the first match of the competition, on May 11, our national team lost to the national team of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a score of 3:2. However, in the second game of the tournament, on May 12, our team managed to beat the Kyrgyz team with a score of 3:0. Next, on May 15, the national team of Turkmenistan defeated the national team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with a score of 3:1. In the next game, on May 16, the National volleyball team of Turkmenistan, having defeated the National volleyball team of Sri Lanka, won the right to play in the final game of the International tournament “League of Nations of the Central Asian Volleyball Association”.

      The final match took place on May 17 of this year between the National volleyball team of Turkmenistan and the hosts of the tournament - the National team of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. As a result of the match, the National team of Turkmenistan took second place behind the Pakistani team and became a silver medalist in the League of Nations of the Central Asian Volleyball Association (CAVA).

      We express our deepest gratitude to our Hero Arkadag and our Arkadagly Hero Serdar for their constant care in order for young people to achieve new heights in sports and further glorify the Motherland with their achievements.
