Directions and specialties

Areas of training and specialties

Applied geology, mining, oil and gas business and geodesy

  • Development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits
  • Drilling oil and gas wells
  • Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities
  • Oil and gas geology
  • Hydrogeology and engineering geology
  • Geological survey and search for mineral deposits
  • Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
  • Mine surveying
  • Mineral processing
  • Open cast mining industry
  • Development of mineral deposits
  • Oil and gas business (bachelor's degree in English)
  • Geology and prospecting of mineral deposits (bachelor's degree in English)
  • Mining (bachelor's degree)
  • Oil and gas business (master's degree)

Chemical technology

  • Chemical technology of gas and oil refining
  • Chemical technologies (in the oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree in English)
  • Technology for processing hydrocarbon gases (master's degree)

Technosphere safety and environmental management

  • Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

Management in technical systems

  • Standardization and certification
  • Standardization and metrology (in the oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)

Informatics and computer engineering

  • Automated systems of information processing and management
  • Information systems and technologies (in oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)
  • Software of information technology
  • Computer systems software (in oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)
  • Software engineering (bachelor's degree in English)

Information security

  • Information security (in oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)

Mechanical engineering

  • Refrigeration, compressor machines and installations
  • Machines and equipment of oil and gas fields
  • Technological machines and equipment (in the oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)

Engineering and construction technologies

  • Oil and gas equipment and industrial construction

Electricity and heat power engineering

  • Electrical drive and automation of industrial plants and technological complexes (in the oil and gas industry)
  • Gas turbine installations and gas compressor stations
  • Energy supply
  • Electric power and electrical engineering (in the oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)

Economics and management

  • Economics and management (in the oil and gas industry)
  • Economics and management of the oil and gas industry (bachelor's degree)
  • Logistics (in oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree in English)
  • Personnel management (in oil and gas industry) (bachelor's degree)

Contact Information

  • The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue, 8
  • Tel: (+99312) 39-13-00, 39-13-01
  • Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
  • E-mail:
  • Website: