Science Department
Information about the main activities of the Science Department
The main goal of the science department is to organize research, design and innovation-creative activities in accordance with state and national programs and other regulatory documents of Turkmenistan related to the development of science, agreed with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and approved by the rector of the university.
The Science Department performs the following functions:
- in accordance with the “Regulations on conducting research activities in higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan”, approved by the joint order of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan No. 13 and the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan No. 43 dated 02/14/2022, approval of the annual plan of research work and control of them execution at departments, research centers, technology parks and other structural divisions of the university;
- in accordance with the “Instructions for drawing up a personal work plan for a higher school teacher”, approved by Order No. 12 of the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan dated January 17, 2022, monitor the work of departments in planning and carrying out research work by teaching staff;
- in accordance with the standards specified in the “Regulations on the ranking of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan”, approved by order No. 15 of January 18, 2022 of the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan, conduct an analysis of research and development work, planning appropriate measures to improve performance and coordinating reporting activities;
- in accordance with the “Regulations on the rating assessment of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan”, approved by Order No. 18 of the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan dated January 20, 2022, conducting a rating of scientific and pedagogical personnel of departments and faculties, analyzing the results and reporting to the management of the university;
- organize the implementation of search, research, development, scientific and technical work in departments, research centers, technology parks and other structural divisions of the university in accordance with the priority areas of development of science and technology in Turkmenistan;
- participate in concluding agreements with enterprises, institutions, organizations and other economic entities in order to ensure that departments and other departments of the university carry out research activities on self-supporting terms;
- support research activities at the departments under the guidance of the teaching staff in accordance with the priority areas of development of science and technology in Turkmenistan;
- expand cooperation with scientific institutions, centers and higher educational institutions of the country and foreign countries, increase their efficiency in order to jointly develop scientific and scientific-technical products;
- holding scientific-methodological, scientific-practical conferences, exhibitions, scientific seminars and other public scientific events;
- organize and conduct competitions of scientific works among students, masters, graduate students;
- provide assistance in the preparation and publication of a collection of abstracts (thesis), scientific and practical recommendations, reports and a collection of scientific articles;
- to establish active participation of students, graduate students, adjuncts and young scientists in scientific, design and creative competitions held at the state level;
- organization of student research and development work under the guidance of professors;
- assistance in patenting and licensing scientific and technical achievements, registration of inventions and innovative proposals;
- support the publication of scientific articles by students, masters, graduate students, associate professors and professors in international indexed scientific journals;
- implementation of the results of research and design work into production and curricula and training programs;
- preparation of periodic and annual reports related to scientific activities at the university level, as well as reports on the work of the department;
- study the positive experience of leading higher education institutions in the development of higher education and scientific work within the framework of international cooperation and exchange of experience;
- preparation of proposals to improve the efficiency of scientific research;
- perform other tasks within the limits of their duties and powers in accordance with the objectives and goals of the university.
1. The staffing schedule of the Science Department is approved by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in accordance with the structure of the university.
2. The general management of the organizational, scientific and research activities of the university is carried out by the vice-rector for scientific work.
3. The Science Department is headed by the head of the Science Department. The head of the scientific department reports directly to the rector of the university and the vice-rector for scientific work.
4. Employees of the science department perform their work in accordance with the job description developed by the head of the science department and approved by the rector of the university.
5. Employees of the Science Department report to the head of the Department and work on the basis of these Regulations.
6. The science department carries out its work on the basis of the approved work plan for the academic year in close cooperation with the Academic Council, faculties, departments and other constituent units of the university.
7. The work plan of the Science Department is approved by the rector of the university.
8. In order to effectively organize and control scientific work in accordance with the objectives and work plan, the Science Department performs the following tasks:
- conducts work to discuss the annual plan of scientific activities of the university in the Academic Council, upon approval by the rector and agreement in the prescribed manner;
- carries out work on approval by the vice-rector for scientific work of scientific research plans of faculties, departments, research centers and other departments;
- ensures the implementation of scientific activities of faculties, departments and research centers in accordance with the priority areas of science and technology;
- regularly analyzes and monitors research activities carried out at faculties, departments, research centers and other departments on the basis of contracts concluded on a paid basis;
- coordinates research activities carried out by university subjects with other parties within the framework of government contracts;
- provides scientific-practical and scientific-methodological consultations on current topics in science and technology, conducted at the university;
- organizes scientific, scientific and creative project competitions within the university, as well as at the state and international level;
- supports the participation of university students, masters, associate professors and graduate students, young teachers in local, state and international scientific, scientific, creative, project competitions;
- carries out organizational activities to actively involve university teachers and students in scientific and scientific-creative activities;
- organizes discussions of monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids, training programs received from the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.
- organizes patenting and official registration of scientific, scientific and technical inventions and innovative proposals of its employees, graduate students and students together with the author(s);
- establishes a regular discussion of the results of scientific work carried out by faculties, departments, research centers and other departments in the Academic Council of the university;
- analyzes interim and final reports of faculties, departments, research centers and other departments on scientific activities, systematizes these reports and prepares a report on research activities at the university level;
- prepares a report on the implementation of the work plan of the science department;
- submits a report on the research activities of the university to the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics, the Group of Experts in the Field of Science and other parties;
- develops proposals to improve the efficiency and quality of scientific work, as well as to strengthen the connection between production, education and science;
- prepares for publication a collection of abstracts (dissertations) of university professors, graduate students, adjuncts, masters, students, their speeches at scientific-practical, scientific-methodological consultations, as well as a collection of scientific articles;
- promotes the scientific achievements of university teachers, graduate students, applicants and students;
- performs other tasks within the limits of his powers in accordance with the goals and objectives of the university.
Address: 744036, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, ArchabilAvenue, 8, Main building, 3rd floor, room. 305
Phone: (+99312) 39-14-47
Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00