Hydrogen energy center

"Regulation of national and international legal documents related to hydrogen energy."

    On  November 14, 2023, in accordance  with  the Plan “Roadmap for the development of  international  cooperation  in the field  of  hydrogen  energy  of  Turkmenistan  for  2022-2023”, approved  by  Resolution  of  the President  of Turkmenistan No. 2581 dated January 28, 2022, a video conference was held with the participation ofemployees of the OSCE representative  office  in Turkmenistan, branches  of companies “ CNPC", "Dragon  Oil",  "Petronas"  and  the Yagshegeldy Kakaev International university of oil and gas on the topic "Regulation  of  national  and  international  legal  documents  related tohydrogen  energy."
