Department  of  Chemical  technology   of  oil   and  gas  processingwas   foundedin    2012. The   department  is a  part  of  the Chemical  technology  and  ecology  faculty  and  is  one  of the  structural   departments  of  the  university.     

      The  main task  of  the  department  is the organization  and  establishment  of  educational,  scientific-research  and  design  work in accordance  with  the  requirements  of  the  time.

      At  the  Chemical  tchnology  of  oil  and  gas  processing  department  of  the  Chemical  technology  and  ecology  faculty  of Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International  oil  and  gas  university,  specialists   are  being  trained  in  the  specialty of  "Chemical   technology of  oil  and  gas  processing",  for  the  Türkmengaz State  Concern,  the Türkmennebit  State  Concern  of Oil  and Gas  complex  of Turkmenistan,  the  Türkmenhimiýa  State Concern  and  other   administrative  departments  and  enterprises. Thedepartment graduates  bachelors  in  the  direction  of  "Chemical   technology”  and  masters  in  the  direction  of  “Technology  for  processing of   hydrocarbon  gases”.

       The  Chemical   technology of  oil   and   gas   processing  basic  departments of  the university  were  founded  at  the  Chemical institute  and Technological  Center  of the  Academy  of  Sciences of  Turkmenistan.  At  the basic  departments  scientists and specialists  give  lectures  and  practical   lessons  on  special  subjects;  they  supervise  students’  practice in  production,  diploma projects  and  scientific-research  works.

        The department includes:

      - Fuel production laboratory;

     - Oil and gas chemistry laboratory;

     - Technologies  of oil and gas processing laboratory;

     - Processes and  apparatuses of chemical technology laboratory;

     - General  chemical technology laboratory;

     - Technology of petrochemical  synthesis  laboratory.
