Innovative scientific and educational center
The Innovation Research and Training Center of International Oil and Gas University named after Yagshigeldy Kakaev was firstestablished on May 3, 2013 under the name"Information Technology Center", later, on March 4, 2019, it was renamed to "Innovation Research and Training Center". On June 7,2019, the Balkanabat branch of the Yagshigeldy KakayevInternational University of Oil and Gas opened in the building of the Balkanabat branch of the center.
The main activities of the center - the basic and vocational education of citizens, non-university training of students, organization and conduct of short-term courses in computer literacy and professional development for specialists of enterprises with higher and secondary education;implementation of educational programs after primary and postgraduate vocational education;involvement of students of higher educational institutions in science, various laboratory research to implement new technologies in industrial purposes; development of new
Classes at the innovative scientific and educational center are attended by high school students, students of specialized secondary and higher educational institutions, as well as specialists in various fields.
The Center operates on the basis of self-financing and profitability.
Specialists of a number of private enterprises of the country undergo professional training and retraining at the center. To date, specialists of such foreign companies as Dragon Oil, Areti, Eni, BUIG,BKE Drilling Company, Western Atlas International, MitsubishiElectric AG MELCO Elevator, Caspian Drilling Company,Rönesans,Atlas have received advanced training and retraining at theInnovation Scientific and Training Center. The specialists of 243 private sector companies of the country have undergone and are currently undergoing professional training and retraining. Among them are such companies as"Miýesser" "Mawy Kenar", "SGS","YnançHyzmat", "Berk Amal", "Rowaç Hyzmat","AziýaÝollar", "Gazyk", "Gujurly Inžener","UssatInžener".
According to the contract concluded between the Innovative Scientific and Training Center and Dragon Oil at the first stage 703 specialists of the company were trained and retrained in the"Industrial Safety" direction at the center.Currently the second stage of training has started.
The Balkanabat branch of the Innovation Scientific and Training Center has concluded contracts with 70 oil and gas companies and enterprises, whose specialists undergo training and retraining in accordance with the terms of the agreements and the program.
In accordance with the agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation between the Innovation Research and Training Center and the Professional and Technical School of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries the training and retraining of specialists of the complex is carried out. The trainees having successfully finished the training receive the state standard certificate. At present, thetraining continues in stages according to the plan.
According to the concluded contract and drawn up plan between the Innovation Scientific and Training Center and Vocational School of Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries, in addition to specialists of Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries, about 2500specialists of various local and foreign companies concentrated in Balkan velayat will be trained from 2021 to 2024 studying worldexperience in various spheres.
Currently, the Innovation Science and Training Center offers short-term courses on a fee basis in the areas of"Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems","Environmental Safety", "Digital TechnologyandManagement", "English", "Russian Language".
In the center in the areas of "Technique and technology of drilling", "Development and operation of oil and gas fields", "Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities","Surveyor technician", "Chemical technology of oil and gas processing","Automation of technological processes and production", "Energy", "Basics of innovative technologies in oil and gas geology", "Economics and management in oil and gas industry", "Industrial safety","Small and medium business management","Inter Accounting", "Drilling rig operator", "Assistant oil and gas well driller", "Worker for geophysical and geological surveys", "Electric and gas welder", "Laboratory technician for electromechanical tests and measurements","Driver of compressor and pumpingequipment","Operator of technological installations for oil and gas processing","Chemical research laboratory technician", "Secretary, computer operator","Business basics" are trained.
Currently, the center is not only engaged in academic work, but also in increasing the interest of teachers and students of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Jagshigeldy Kakaev in science, conducting scientific and industrial experiments, implementation of projects, introduction of the results obtained into production.
Among all the activities carried out by the center, it is especially important to note the work on attracting students of higher educational institutions to science,conducting various laboratory research on the implementation of new technologies for industrial purposes,development of new formats of scientific and technical cooperation with industries to jointly address large-scale scientific and technological problems and intensify the implementation of innovations.
Since 2020, on the basis of a license issued by the agency"Turkmenaragatnashyk", the Innovation Research and Training Center has been carrying out relevant work to improve the professional knowledge of students of the Yagshigeldy KakaevInternational Oil and Gas University,attract students to science, their material encouragement, as well as the creation of software n ia cybersecurityand their implementation on a contractual basis in production. Currently, a number of major projects are being implemented for the enterprises of the country, the development and improvement of software complexes.
Innovation Research and Training Center performs practical research and design work in priority areas of science and technology; introduction into production of scientific works, innovations and inventions of researchers, faculty, students; defining th e rights and ways of implementing digital economy and innovative solutions in the industry enterprises of oil and gas complex; conducts extensive joint research work with the enterprises of oil and gas complex to introduce in the industry enterprises of the oil and gas complex a number ofprojects on the implementation of digital economy and innovative solutions. For example, currently the Innovation Scientific and Training Center in accordance with the signed agreements with the State Concern "Turkmengaz" and the State Corporation "Turkmengeologiya"carries out a number of projects on scientific and technical support, introduction of scientific inventions and proposals in production within the contractual work.
- The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue, 8, Building of an Innovative research and training center
- Tel: (+99312) 39-14-82
- Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
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