Training center

Research and educational center

11 May 2023

     Based  on  the  Decree  of  the  Nasional  Lider  of  Turkmenistan  Gurbanguly  Berdimuhamedov  there  was  established  a  center  at  Yagshygeldi  Kakaev  International  Oil and  Gas  University, with  the  aim  of  preparation  of  teachers,  scientific  workers, applicants  of  the  oil  and  gasindustry.

      The  center  is  provided  for  promising  areas  to  organize  fundamental  and  applied  research  and  design  works, as  well  as  improving   qualifications  for  teachers   and  workers  of  the  oil  and  gas   industry.

               Basic  Functions  of  the  Center:

     -      to  study  the  possibility  of  introduction  of  science  achievements,  inventions,  innovations  of   workers, professors,  teachers   and  students  into  production;

     -      to  exchange  of  experiences  of  domestic  and  foreign  advanced  higher  educational  institutions - organization  of  distance lectures  of  famous  foreign  scientists, professors  and  teachers;

     -      active participation of  educational  centers  of  substantial  foreign  oil  and  gas  companies  such  as  PETRONAS, Dragon  Oil, CNPC, Hyundai, LG, LUKOIL, Arête,  etc. in  preparing   highly  qualified  specialists;

     -      to  determine  the  directions  and  ways  of  introducing  innovative  solutions  and  the  digital  economy  of  management  organizations  of  the  oil  and  gas  industry;

     -      to  provide  comprehensive  assistance  in  the  preparation  of  scientific  monographs,  dissertations, scientific  articles, theses, scientific  and  practical  collections;

     -      to  organize  additional   accounting  for  postgraduate  students  and  applicants  for  disciplines 'Philosophyof Science', 'Foreign  language  on  specialty', 'Modern computer  technology';

     -      to  organize  the  publication  of  scientific  articles  in  indexed  magazines  as "Scopus",“ScienceDirec”, “Web  of  Science”;

     -      to  intensify  the  participation  of  scientific  workers, teachers  and  students  of  university  atscientific and practical conferences, symposiums, seminars, at exhibitions,competitions;

     -      to  organize  joint  workon  deep  oil  and  gas  processing  with  the  Institute  of  Natural  Gas, the  Instituteof “Neftegazproyect”  of  the  State  Concern "Turkmengaz", the  Institute  of  Chemistry  of  the Academy  of  Sciences  of  Turkmenistan and to make  scientifically  sufficient  proposals   for  introduction  into  production.

         Contact Information

  1.  The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue, 8, Building of an Innovative research and training center
  1. Tel: (+99312) 39-13-52
  2. Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
  3. E-mail:
  4. Website: