The Department of Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields was founded in 2012. The department is a part of the Oil and gas faculty and is one of the important structural departments of the university.

      The main task of the department is the organization and establishment of educational, scientific-research and design work in accordance with the requirements of the time.

    At the Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields department of the Oil and gas faculty of Yagshygeldi Kakayev International oil and gas university highly qualified specialists are being trained in the specialty of Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields, as well as bachelors and masters in the specialty of Oil and gas business for administrative departments and enterprises of Oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, the “Turkmengaz” State Concern, the “Türkmennebit” State Concern and the “Turkmengeologiya” State Corporation.

      The department graduates mining engineers with higher education in the specialty of Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields, as well as bachelors and masters in the direction of Oil and gas business.

      The department includes: 

      - Physics of stratum laboratory;

     -  Modeling of stratum laboratory;

     -  Oil and gas production technology and technical methods laboratory;

     - 1 computer class;

    - 1 specialized class;

    - Exploration,  research  and  development  of  oiland   gas  fields  basic  department  at  the  Natural  Gas  Scientific  ResearchInstitute  of  the “Turkmengaz”  State  Concern.
