The Languages department of the Oil and gas faculty of Yagshygeldi Kakayev International oil and gas university was foundedin 2012. The department is a part of the Oil and gas faculty and is one of the important structural departments of the university. 

       The department teaches Turkmen, English, Russian, German, Japanese and Chinese languages.  The main task of the department is toincrease students  interest in learning foreign languages ​​and achieve a high level of language training of future engineers.

       In accordance with the Concept of Improving theTeaching of Foreign Languages ​​in Turkmenistan and the Action plan for itsimplementation, the teaching of foreign languages ​​is carried out according to the books for the Oil and gas industry and other modern manuals published by Oxford University Press, UK.

       The faculties have language laboratories belonging to the Languages department. Language laboratories have all the conditions for teaching students foreign languages. At the Language preparation department related to the Languages department, students studying for a bachelors degree take a preparation English course for one year.

      The department includes:

      -  Language preparation department;

      -  7 language laboratories at the faculties.
