The   department   of   Industrial  construction  and  geodesy  was  founded  in  2012. The department  is a part of the   Energy  and  structure engineering faculty and its main tasks are the modern organization of  educational and scientific-research work, the regulation of the important types ofeducational, professional, research and design work of methodological instructions, manuals and according to them the preparation of specialists withhigher education.  

      The   main  task  of  the department  is  the  organization  and  establishment of educational, scientific-research   and design work in accordance with the requirements of thetime.

      At the Industrial construction and geodesy department of the Energy and structure engineering faculty  of Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International  oil  and  gas  university, highly  qualified  specialists  are  being trained in the specialty of “Oil and gas installations and industrial construction” for the Türkmengaz State Concern, the Türkmennebit State Concern, the Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation and other administrative departments and enterprises of Oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan.

      The  department  graduates  engineers-constructors  with  higher  education  in  the  specialty of “Oil  and gas installations  and  industrial  construction”.

      The students from Afghanistan study in this specialty at the department, too. 

      The  department  includes:

      - Test  of  structural  materials  and  constructions  laboratory;

      - Study  of  geodesy  devices  laboratory;

      - Structural  materials laboratory.
