International forum on promotion investment in oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan
An international mobile forum to attract foreign investments in the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan was held on April 26-27, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This forum, aimed at strengthening relations with all foreign partners interested in the further sustainable development of the energy complex and expanding the opportunities for attracting foreign investment in the country's fuel and energy complex, was held not only in the traditional, but also in online format with the participation of international organizations and companies from dozens of countries of the world.

The forum was attended by representatives of the heads of enterprises of the country's fuel and energy complex, well-known foreign organizations in the oil and gas business, financial institutions, reputable international organizations, leading companies and specialists specializing in this field.
The rector of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University spoke atthe forum on the topic "Methods and prospects for the production of hydrogen energy in industry."
As it is known, on January 28, 2022, the "Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023" and the Plan for its implementation were approved by the decision of the President of Turkmenistan. These documents are designed toensure the successful implementation of the tasks defined in the "Program for the Development of Energy Diplomacy of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025" andto ensure the implementation of a set of strategic measures related to the formation of this direction in the energy sector. In the speech it was noted that the export orientation of hydrogen energy emphasizes the importance of the development of international cooperation in this area.
At the forum, it was noted that the development of a "green" economy, the reduction in the consumption of petroleum products leads to the active development of hydrogen energy. It was emphasized that in the near future this it would be possible to achieve environmentally friendly production and transport.
Hydrogen energy is a branch of energy based on the use of hydrogen in production, transportation and consumption. Hydrogen is known as the most common element on Earth and in space, the heat of combustion of hydrogen is very high, and the product formed during its combustion in oxygen is water (which is also includedin the hydrogen energy cycle). Hydrogen energy is an alternative energy. Today, more than 68 percent of hydrogen is produced from natural gas, 16 percent fromoil, 11 percent from coal, and 5 percent from electrolysis. The cheapest way toproduce hydrogen is the method of producing hydrogen from natural gas, the electrolysis method is 5 times more expensive than the other methods.
The lack of a hydrogen infrastructure is one of the main obstacles to thedevelopment of hydrogen transport after the cost of fuel and engines. Hydrogenis mainly used in the oil refining and chemical industries.
It should be especially noted that graduates of our university are especially goodat showing the ability and skills to work in plants that produce such productsfrom natural gas as ammonia, methanol and gas oline.