Hydrogen energy center

International exhibition and conference "International transport and transit corridors:Interconnectivity and development - 2023"

    On May 03-04, 2023, the Chamber of  Commerce and Industry of  Turkmenistan hosted "International transport and transit corridors: interconnectivity and development - 2023" an international exhibition-conference dedicated to the transport and logistics system.


      More than 400 representatives from 40 countries of the world took part in the international conference. Among them are employees of parallel public and private structures, experts, investors, international organizations, financial institutions, the UN, the OSCE, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank,diplomatic missions in Turkmenistan, representatives of the media of our country and abroad.

     As emphasized by the speakers at the forum, the desire of foreign partners to expand relations in this area is due, first of all, to the large-scale reforms taking place in the country's transit and transport system and the high levelof cooperation with the main business groups. Along  with this, it was noted that favorable legal, financial and economic conditions are being created forthe effective work of all interested parties in the promising Turkmen market.

     Rectorof the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University spoke at the international conference on the topic "Innovative technologies, science,education and logistics in the oil and gas industry."

     Spiritual development, physical health and modern education of the younger generation are one of the priorities of the state policy during the Revival of the new epoch of the Powerful State under the wise leadership of the Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. A large-scale reform program is currently being implemented in the country's education system.

     In accordance with the "Roadmap for the development of international cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy of Turkmenistan for 2022-2023", approved by the President of Turkmenistan, the Center for Hydrogen Energy was established at the university and a plan for its work agreed with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan was  approved.

     In  order to create and develop this industry in our country, the Center for Hydrogen Energy was established at the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University. The main goal of the center is to train high-level specialists and establish international scientific cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy, conduct research, create innovative scientific and educational programs in order to create and develop the hydrogen energy industry inTurkmenistan.

     With the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, online  meetings were held for employees of the Center for Hydrogen Energy, as well asfor teachers and students of our university, with the participation of the following foreign and international organizations:

     -Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE);

     -United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO);

     -International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);

     -Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Ind. and the Iwatani Corporation;

     -"Stable Gas Institute" of the higher school "Imperial CollegeLondon" of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

     Currently, work is being carried out at the Center for Hydrogen Energy at the Universityin accordance  with the approved work  plan.