From April 29 to May 4, 2023, classes on hydrogen energy were held in the USA.
Senior Lecturerin the Department of Compressors and Refrigeration at the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International Oil and Gas University Sh. Tulemedov visited the United Statesunder the State Department's international study tour program from April 29 to May 19, 2023 to familiarize himself with government projects and initiatives inthe field of renewable energy sources, as well as protection environment,climate change, with US best practices and technologies.
The first day of training began from April 29 to May 4, 2023 in Washington DC.
On May 1, the International Study Tour was opened at theMeridian International Center. Opening speakers were Ms. Chiquita Jackson,Events Manager, Mr. Morgan Quijano, Program Manager, Mr. Ryan Oberlag, EventsManager.
Then Maria Petrova, Ph.D., co-director of the Master's program "Environmental Management and Sustainable Development" at Georgetown University, spoke. Dr. Maria A. Petrova joined Earth Commons in 2019 to develop graduate programs. With an excellent combination of managerial and administrative skills and a higher education in environmental sustainability,she easily found a balance between educational institutions and many years of experience in leading companies. Before attending Georgetown University, she helpedcreate the National Science Foundation-funded Shore and Society program at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Meeting at the US State Department
Ms.Petrova's research and lectures include: environment and politics, climatechange, sustainability and renewable energy. She is the editor of theenvironmental case studies section published by the University of California. She is also a member of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.
Sh.Tulemedov was in Cleveland, Ohio, from May 4 to May 9, 2023. Based in Cleveland, Dominion Energy's management team oversees energy services,distribution operations, sustainability goals and a renewable energy strategy. About 7 million customers in 13 states receive electricity or natural gas fortheir homes and businesses from Richmond, Virginia-based Dominion Energy.

Meeting at the university
From May 9 to May 13, 2023, Sh. Tulemedov was on a study tour in Dallas, Texas. The Dallas/Fort Worth Council on Foreign Relations is a dynamic organization thatpromotes international and intercultural understanding in the North Texas community and features prominent international figures throughout the year toprovide in-depth commentary on global events. Every year the Council offersabout 100 programs, mainly devoted to the international aspects of business,politics, culture and foreign policy. Since 1951, the city of North Texas hasbeen shaping the city's diverse perspectives on global issues. Today it servesas a gateway to the region, to the world and offers effective programs andactivities for the community (membership - 4000 people). The Council provides education directly to schools in North Texas through the Global Young Leaders Program. In addition, these are the coordinates for visits to North Texasthrough the International Visitor Program and from the Dallas Department of Protocol, city and world leaders.

Meeting in Dallas
There was a meeting with Chris Skeeteri, CEO of CleanTX.Topic of the meeting: Upgrading the Power Grid to Advance Renewable EnergyIntegration Through Industry Partnerships and Strategic Alliances, and theVision to Achieve 50% Renewable Energy in Texas by 2030. CleanTX is an economicdevelopment and professional association for cleaning and renewable energy businesses.
From May 13 to May 17, 2023 Sh. Tulemedov was in Chicago,Illinois. On May 15, 2023, a meeting was held with Aaron Dernbaugh, Director of Sustainability at Loyola University of Chicago. Aaron Noble, Director of Sustainability, supports Loyola University's campuses and academic centers tocreate the most sustainable and unique educational experience for 17,000 students and 4,000 faculty. The curriculum, culture, and work on the Loyola campus is focused on combating climate change, water conservation, andprogram-based social justice, bringing innovation and efficiency to theuniversity's programs and student experience.

Meeting inChicago
On May 16, 2023, the Conference was held, it was attendedby: Professor Harry Lepinske, founder of CAPRC, Mr. Jafer Hasnain, member ofthe advisory board of Seaspire Advisors, LLC, CAPRC, COO of Turn W2E, CAPRC-Mr. Alex Matthew, former Executive Director of the American Nuclear Society,Management Consultant, CAPRC Advisory Board Member, Mr. James Toskas, Presidentof Global Energy LLC, USA, Mr. Romuald, CAPRC Advisory Board Member Poplavsky.
Sh. Tulemedov was in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 17-20 to getacquainted with:
- a review of US federal, state, and localpolicies to promote clean energy innovation;
- an overview of innovations in renewable energy and energysystems from an economic, environmental and security point of view, and todiscuss priorities for international cooperation between public, private,academic and community groups.
This visit by Sh. Tulemedov includes a discussion of theresults of energy resource management, diversification, availability,consumption reduction, technological development, research and developmentstrategies.

Meeting inLas Vegas
A working visit to the Hoover Dam is scheduled for May 18,2023. A meeting was held with Mr. Jay Ray Blazey at Nellis Air Force Base. Mr.Blasi is the energy manager at Nellis Air Force Base and leads the energyprogram at Nellis Air Force Base. Some of the job responsibilities includedeveloping and managing energy efficiency, renewable energy projects, ensuringthat all new buildings and renovations are built using best energy practicesand shortest life cycles, and training staff in energy saving techniques. Someof the projects he has worked on include Nellis Solar Array I (NSA I) - 14.2megawatts, the largest photovoltaic (PV) battery project in North America in2007 (completed December 2007), 30% load Nellis Electric delivers $1 million inannual savings, and Nellis Solar Array II (NSA II) is the largest US Department of Defense photovoltaic array (completed February 2016). Nellis Air Force Baseprovides 100% renewable daylight energy and a 2nd power source improving energysecurity. Mr. Jay Ray Blazey shared his experience with renewable energy inNevada and provided an overview of renewable energy initiatives at Nellis AirForce Base.
On May 19, 2023, a meeting was held at the Desert ResearchInstitute and NV Energy.
On May 20, 2023, he flew to Ashgabat, the capital of theMotherland.
All tasks that were planned for implementation were fullycompleted.