Bookkeeping was created with the aim of organizing the accounting of allfinancial and business operations of the university in accordance with thelegislation of Turkmenistan.
The main tasks: conducting accounting and tax accounting of financial andeconomic activities, monitoring the safety of property, specialised spending offunds and material values.
The main activities of Bookkeeping:
- planning and organization of accounting for fixed assets, inventories, cash and other university values;
- planning and organization of settlements with counterparties under business contracts, with budgetary and extra-budgetary funds;
- calculation and payment of wages and scholarships, timely settlements with university employees;
- ensuring strict observance of cash and settlement discipline, spending the received funds as intended;
- ensuring timely and correct reflection in the accounts of accounting and reporting of business transactions;
- preparation of accounting and tax reporting of the university;
- monitoring the safety of the university property by means of accounting (inventory), including cash, fixed assets and other material assets in the places of their storage and operation;
- preparation and submission of accounting and statistical reporting, reporting to state extra-budgetary funds, tax authorities, etc;
- taking measures to prevent shortages, waste and other violations and abuses.
Contact Information
- The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue 8, Main building, 6th floor, room 613
- Tel: (+99312) 39-13-07
- Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
- E-mail:
- Website: