The mainactivities of the Office
The main tasks ofthe office are:
- organization of office work at the university;
- ensuring a uniform procedure for conducting paperwork at the university;
- methodological management of the organization of office work in the departments of the university;
- organization of work on registration of documents, accounting, storage and transfer to the appropriate departments;
- Iimproving forms and methods of working with documents.
Office features:
- record keeping in the organization;
- ensuring timely processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, its delivery to destination;
- control over the timing of the execution of documents, their proper execution;
- organization of work on registration, accounting, storage and transfer to the appropriate office work;
- development of instructions for conducting paperwork at the university and their implementation;
- preparation of reports on compliance with the deadlines for the execution of documents based on the results of the control over the execution.
The office has theright:
- to give instructions to the structural units of the organization on matters within the competence of the office;
- require from structural units:
- the proper implementation of the established rules for working with documents;
- submission of information on the execution of documents, instructions and decisions;
- timely execution of orders and decisions;
- to return for completion to the executors documents executed poorly, in violation of the rules of paperwork, execution, etc., and to control their implementation, taking into account the comments;
- carry out checks on the organization of office work in the structural divisions of the university;
- advise (give clarification, recommendations) on issues within the competence of the office.
Contact Information
- The address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil avenue 8, Main building, 3th floor, room 313
- Tel: (+99312) 39-14-15
- Fax: (+99312) 39-14-00
- E-mail:
- Website: