Administrative and economic department
Main tasks:
• Administrative and economicsupport of the university activities: technically competent operation of educational buildings, dormitories, training and production workshop, technical systems (heating, water supply, ventilation, lighting, electricity, communications, elevators, etc.), planning, organization, coordination, control of their current and major repairs, supply of furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work, organization of transport support and security;
• Organization and maintenance of the operation of vehicles and special vehicles;
• Ensuring timely and high-quality meals for employees and students of the university;
• Organizational and methodological guidance and control of the activities of the structur aldivisions of the university on issues of economic services, rational use of material and financial resources, safety of the universitys property;
• Preparation and submission of information and analytical materials to the university management on the state and prospects for the development of the economic support of the university, development of proposals for improving the service of administrative and economic management;
• Improvement and introductionof new methods of organizing work, including the using of modern information technologies;
• Participation in the preparation and implementation of managerial decisions of the management on theissues of administrative and economic support of the university;
• Monitoring compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, fire safety rules, safety standards, timely taking the necessary measures in case of revealing the facts of theirviolation;
• Monitoring the readiness of university services to work in emergency situations (emergencies);
• Maintenance of the relevant documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts, provision of statistical and other information on the activities of the administrative andeconomic department in a timely manner;
• Solving otherproblems in accordance with the goals of the university.
The AED includes:
Head of the administrative andeconomic department;
• Head of the economic department;
• Engineer (specialist incivil defense and emergency situations);
•Warehouse Manager;
• Procurement specialist;
• Head of the training andproduction workshop, training foremen, carpenters, locksmiths, milling machineoperator, electrical equipment specialist, welder;
• Garage manager, carmechanic, drivers of vehicles;
• Electrical engineer, telephone operator, elevator operator, video surveillance operator, copieroperator;
• Commandants of the mainbuilding, educational buildings and dormitories, passport officer;
• Electricians, plumbers,carpenters, boiler workers, heating and cooling system maintenance workers, fountain maintenance workers, landscaping workers;
• Cleaners, laundryworkers, doorkeepers, watchmen.
Main functions:
- Planning, organization and control of the administrative and economic support of the University;
- Housekeeping and maintenance of proper condition in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection of buildings and premises in which the university departments are located, monitoring the serviceability of equipment (lighting, heating, water supply, ventilation, electrical networks, communications, elevators, etc.);
- Participation in the inventory of buildings, premises, equipment, vehicles and household equipment in order to control their safety and technical condition;
- Planning of current and capital repairs of the main communications (electricity and water supply systems, air ducts and other life support facilities), drawing up estimates of economic expenses;
- Repair of power supply and water supply systems, air ducts and elevators, as well as other life support facilities, quality control of repair work;
- Supply of departments of the organization with furniture, household equipment, means of mechanization of engineering and managerial work, control over their rational use, safety and timely repair;
- Preparation of the necessary documents (drafting requests, collecting commercial offers, etc.) for the conclusion of contracts for the performance of work and the provision of services by third parties;
- Receipt and storage of stationary items, household materials, equipment, inventory, provision of structural units of the university with them, accounting for their spending and preparation of established reports;
- Control of the rational use of materials and financial resources allocated for economic purposes;
- Landscaping, landscaping, daily cleaning of the territory, festive decoration of the facades of university buildings;
- Housekeeping services for ongoing meetings, conferences, seminars and other events;
- Management of transport support for the activities of the university;
- In accordance with the current rules and regulations, organization of operation and timely repair of technical equipment (electrical networks, heating systems, ventilation, elevators, etc.), uninterrupted supply of buildings and premises of the university with electricity, heat, water, control over their rational use;
- Organization and provision of rotational access regime;
- Organization and control of activity of warehouses of administrative and economic service;
- Carrying out information and explanatory work among university employees aimed at ensuring the safety and maintenance of buildings, premises and property in good condition, careful attitude to equipment and economical use of material and energy resources (electricity, heat, water, stationery, consumables, etc.);
- Carrying out fire-fighting and anti-epidemic measures of life support facilities, quality control of repair work;
- Implementation within its competence of other functions in accordance with the goals and objectives of the University.