The   department   of   Power  supply   and   automation  was   founded  in  2012.  The  department  is   apart of   the Energy and   structure   engineering   faculty   and   is  one  of  the  structural   departments  of the  university.

     The  main task  of   the department  is  the  organization  and   establishment  of  educational,  scientific-research  and design work  in  accordance  with   the   requirements   of the   time.

      At  the  Power  supply  and  automation  department  of  the  Energy  and  structure  engineering   faculty  of   Yagshygeldi Kakayev  International   oil and  gas  university,  highly  qualified  specialists  are  being  trained  in  the  specialty of “Power supply”, “Electric  driveand  automation  of  industrial  plants  and  technological   complexes”  as  well  as bachelors  in  the  direction  of “Electric power  and electric engineering”.

      At  the  Power  supply  and  automation  department   trains  highly  qualified   engineers  for  the  Türkmengaz   State   Concern, the Türkmennebit  State  Concern,  the  Türkmengeologiýa  State Corporation  and  other  administrative  departments  and enterprises  of Oil  and  gas  complex  o  four  country  as  well as for the fuel and energy industry. 

     The  department includes:

  -  Theoretical foundationsof electrical engineering laboratory;

   -  Industrial electronics laboratory;

   -  Electrical materials laboratory;

   - Fundamentals of electricalengineering and electronics laboratory;

  -  Power supply laboratory;

  -  Electric machines laboratory;

   - Relay protectionand automation laboratory;

  -  Electric stations and substations laboratory;

  -  Electric Networks and Systems laboratory;

  -  Microelectronics and semiconductor  devices laboratory;

  -  Design of automated systems laboratory;

  -  Microelectronics  and  microprocessors laboratory;

  -  Technological process automation laboratory;

   -  Microcircuitry laboratory;

   -  Microelectronics technologies laboratory;

   -  Automated electric drive and technical measurementslaboratory;

   -  Power  supply and  automation  basic  department  at the Technological  Center  of  the  Academy  of Sciences  of Turkmenistan.
