Digital technologies and cybersecurity faculty of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International oil and gas university was founded in 2021.
The departments of Informatics and information technologies, Cybersecurity, Modern computer technologies function at the faculty. The faculty graduates system engineers in the specialty of "Automated system of information processing and management", software engineers in the specialty of “Information technology software”, as well as bachelors in the direction of "Information systems and technologies" (in the oil and gas industry), "Computer systems software”, “Information security” and “Software engineering”.
After graduation, they work in the state concerns Türkmennebit, Türkmengaz of the Oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, in the state corporation Türkmengeologiýa, as well as in the state concern Türkmenhimiýa, in the financial and economic system, in research institutes, as well as in relevant management industry organizations.
The faculty conducts research work in priority areas of science. From the research works provided by the Concept for the development of the digital education system in Turkmenistan and the plan for its implementation, as well as the State Program for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, research works are being carried out at the departments of the faculty on the topics: “Modernization of existing computer software operations in the field of information security”, “Analysis, preparation of various algorithms related to data protection on a computer”, “Development and implementation of software that allows to automate the accounting of the activities of teachers and students”.
In accordance with the "State Program to ensure the cybersecurity of Turkmenistan for 2021-2025", approved by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, a scientific group of teachers, specialists and students works at the faculty to create cybersecurity programs. Members of this scientific group regularly create software in the field of digital technology and cybersecurity. In particular, programs are being created to ensure the security of information and communications, cybersecurity in digital technology and information security, programs to ensure measures to prevent various cyber-attacks, as well as software against threats are being developed and opportunities for the development of the cybersecurity sector are being carefully studied.
According to the plan of the scientific group, seminars, meetings and consultations with large international organizations, foreign companies are held through the digital network, patents for intellectual property are issued for the software created by State services. To date, 47 patents have been issued in accordance with the established procedure. These programs are widely used in the university and other higher education institutions. After the transition of the university to self-financing, the developed and patented software is installed on a contractual basis in other institutions and enterprises.
The classrooms of Digital technologies and cybersecurity faculty are provided with modern equipment. There are classrooms for diploma and term projects, language laboratories and 22 computer classes designed for educational and research activities. One of the computer classes is equipped with IMAC computer hardware of Apple Company.
Classes related to programming, design and graphics, automation, administration of computer laboratory technologies are held in computer classrooms. Programs as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, AutoCad, Embarcadero Delphi, Visual C, Adobe Flash, Microsoft SQI Server are installed in computers. With the help of these programs, the departments create various interactive and video educational programs, emulators of programming languages in the Turkmen language, test programs, software systems for information protection and cybersecurity, websites and electronic document management programs, etc.
There are scientific classes at Digital technologies and cybersecurity faculty that promote the works of the Hero of Arkadag, the domestic and foreign policies of our Esteemed President, the work carried out to introduce digital technologies in our country, as well as monitor the educational process, teach through multimedia and create software and hardware for protection of information.
The results of research work carried out by teachers and students of the faculty are published in domestic and foreign journals in the form of abstracts and articles.
Also, teachers and students actively participate in events at the international and state level.