

Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University became a member of the Association of Technical Universities

29 September 2023

    Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International  Oil  and  Gas  University  hasbecome a member of the Association of Technical Universities, a reputable  organization  that promotes  the  development  of  technical  science  and  education  worldwide.

    Membership  in  the  Association  will  enable  the  university  to  participate  in important  conferences, projects and  research  conducted  by  the  Association  or  its partners, as well  as  to gain access  to  information  resources  and  databases.

    The  Association  of  Technical  Universities  wasestablished in 1993 on the initiative  of  leading  technical  universities  of  Russia. Its  goal  is  to  promote  the development of higher technical  education, science  and  innovation, as  well as to strengthen  cooperation bet weenuniversities in Russia and other countries. Now the Association  includes morethan 132 organizations  from all  regions  of  Russia and neighboring countries.

    The  Association  organizes  various  events aimed  atimproving  the  quality  of  education,  supporting  young  scientists  and  students,developing  international relations  and  exchanging  experience. For  example, the  Association  organizes  competitions, Olympiads,  festivals,  conferences, seminars,  exhibitions  and  other forms  of  scientific  and  educational  activities.