

Volleyball players’ successes

10 November 2023

    Our  Hero  Arkadag  and  our  Arkadag  Hero  Serdar  attach  great  importance  tothe  development  of  sports  in  the  country, and  encouraging  young  people to  go  infor  various  sports. Sports facilities  that meet international standards arebeing built and put into operation in the country. Trainings and variouscompetitions are regularly held in these sports facilities.

    The  volleyball  team “Nebitchi” of the International University of Oiland Gas named after Yagshegeldi Kakaev performed and won a well-deserved first prize in the Open Volleyball Championshipof Baherden etrap, held to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of our gloriousIndependence on September 16-17, 2023, declared the year of “Happy Youth withArkadag Serdar”.

    To commemorate the acceptance of the Magtymguly Youth Organization ofTurkmenistan as an official member of the UNESCO Global Youth Community, aswell as on the occasion of the “International University Sports Day”, volleyball competitions among studentsof higher educational institutions of the country took place at the TurkmenState Institute of Physical Culture and Sports on September 11-19, 2023,organized as part of public physical training, sports, health-improving andcultural sporting events held under the title “Sports and a Healthy Lifestyle -the Basic Principle of Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”. The volleyball team“Nebitchi” of the International University of Oil and Gas named afterYagshageldi Kakaev took part and won firstplace in these competitions.

    The  volleyball  team “Nebitchi” of  the  International  University  of  Oiland Gas named after Yagshegeldi Kakaev also successfully performed and won first place in the 13 th  Student Games“Turkmenistan - the country of inspiration and health”, held from November 1 to10, 2023 among students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan.

    Such  successes  inspire  young  people  to  achieve  even  greater  results  inthe  future  and  fill their hearts  with  a  sense  of  great  joy  and pride.