

The first Women's Union of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University held a conference dedicated to the Day of the 28th anniversary of our International Neutrality

06 December 2023

    On  December 6, 2023, the  first  Women's  Union  of  the  Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International  Oi l and  Gas  University  held  a conference  entitled  “Eternal  Neutrality - the  source  of  happiness”  dedicated  to  the 28 th  anniversary  of  the Eternal Neutrality  of  our  Motherland!

     Ancient  kindness,  peacefulness,  humanitarian  qualities  and  traditions of  the Turkmen  people  form the basis  of  its  foreign  policy based  on  neutrality, and  the  legal  principle  of  Permanent  Neutrality  has  become  the  foundation  of  the  happy  and  prosperous  life of  the  present  and  future  generations, allowing  our  country to follow the path of economic prosperity confidently. The speakers spoke and  praised  our  Hero  Serdar, who  leads  the  Turkmen people  to  eternal  happiness  and  completes  great  works  for  our younger  generation  and  future!