

Sports achievements of students

19 December 2023

    In  the  period  of  the  Revival  of  the  New  Epochof  the  Powerful  State, new  pages  are  written  into  the  history  of  Turkmensports. Today Turkmenistan  is  known as  the  country  with  a  developed  sports  system,  capable  of  successfully  hosting  world-class  competitions.

    The  Turkmenistan  Freestyle  Wrestling  Championship  was  held  from  December  17 to 19,  2023.

    In  the   freestyle  wrestling  competitions, Hojalyev  Orazmuhammet,  a 1st year student at the Faculty of Energy and  Engineering  Facilities  of  the  International University  of  Oil  and  Gas  named after  Yagshygeldi  Kakaev, took  2nd  place in  the  92  kg  weight  category, and   Ataev  Parakhat,  a  1st  year  student  at  the  Faculty  of  Geology, won 1st placein the 79 kg  weight  category.

    On  December  17-19, 2023, in  the  judo  competitions  at  the 13 th  Student  Games “Turkmenistan - the  country  of  inspirationand  health”, held  among  higher educational  institutions  of  Turkmenistan, Ramazanov  Mekan, a 1 st  year  student  at  the  Faculty  of  Geology, was  awarded 2 ndplace  in  the  60  kg weight  category, and  1st  year  student  of  the  samefaculty  Agamammedov  Ali  took  3d place  in  the  60  kg weight  category. Kemalov  Ylham, a  4th  year  student  at  the Faculty  of  Oil  and  Gas, who  competedin  the 90 kg  weight  category, could  win  1st  place.

    In the swimming competitions for theOpen Cup of Turkmenistan, held on December 18-19, 2023, Zhalaev Musa, a 1styear student at the Faculty of Geology, successfully performed in the 50-meterfreestyle, 100-meter breaststroke and 4x100 relay, and was awarded 1st place.

    The  “Gara altyn”  team  of  the  International  University  of  Oil  and  Gas  named  after  Yagshygeldi  Kakaev  won  1st  place  in  the  futsal  tournament  for  the Turkmenistan  Cup  held  from  December  15 to  20,  2023.

    The  successful  performances  of  our  athletesevoke  feelings  of  joy  and  pride  among  the  sports  fans.

    These  achievements  clearly  show  the  successful  implementation  of  the  objectives  set  to  advance  sports  in  our  country  to  the higher  level.