

First place winner

21 January 2024

Large-scale work is carried out in our country in the field of creatinga developed sports system, educating physically and psychologically healthygenerations. As a result of the wise policy of the Esteemed President,championships of Turkmenistan are held in various sports, designed to identifyathletes capable of increasing the sporting prestige of the country.

Inspired by the ample opportunities created by our Arkadag Hero Serdar,our youth participates in international competitions, taking prize winningplaces.

On January 21, 2024 declared the year “The Fount of Wisdom of MagtymgulyPyragy”, the Winter Championship of Turkmenistan in athletics was held inAshgabat. At the Winter Championship of Turkmenistan, Pena Babaniyazov, a 2ndyear student at the Faculty of Geology of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev InternationalUniversity of Oil and Gas, successfully competed in the 800-meter race inathletics, having takeb first place.