Hydrogen energy center

About the hydrogen energy center

                                                                               I. General regulations

           1.1 The  Center for  Hydrogen  Energy  at  the Yagshygeldi  Kakayev International Oil and Gas  University  (here in after - the Center), the International Oil and Gas University  (here  in after -the University), was  established in accordance with the "Roadmap forthe development of  international cooperation in  the field of hydrogen energy of Turkmenistan for  2022-2023", approved by the No.2581 Decree of the President of   Turkmenistan dated January 28, 2022, is part of the structure of  the university and is aimed  at creating  and  developing  the  hydrogen  energy of Turkmenistan, training  high-level   specialists, organizing  and  implementing  international  cooperationin this direction.  The  Center  is  not  a legal  entity.

          1.2 The  Center  is based  on  the  current   legislation  of Turkmenistan, regulatory and  methodological  documents of  the Ministry of  Education  of Turkmenistan, orders and  instructions  of  the Ministry of  Foreign Affairs  of  Turkmenistan, the  Charter  of   theUniversity, orders  and  instructions  of  theRector,  as  well  as  this  Charter.

         1.3 The activities of   theCenter  are  carriedout  on  the  basis  ofvoluntary  public  initiatives.

         1.4 The Center carries out its activitiesinaccordance with the annual and long-term thematic plans developed byitsdirector and approved by the Rector of   the  University.

         1.5 In  order  to achieve  the  set  goals, the  Center  has the  right, on  behalf   of  the  University,to  conclude  agreements  with  relevant  enterprisesand  organizations  of  ministries  and  departments,research    institutes  on  scientific  cooperation.

        1.6 Reorganization  and dissolution  of  the  Center  are  carried out  in  accordance  with  the  Charter  of the University  on  the  basis  of   the rector’sorder.

                                                                               II. Goals and objectives of the Center

         2.1. The  main  goal of   the   Center   is to  train  high-level  specialists  and  establish  international  scientific   cooperation  inthis  sector, carry out research   work, develop  and  introduce innovative   scientific  and  educational programs  into  production  in  order  to  createand  develop  the  hydrogen energy  industry  in Turkmenistan.

        2.2.In  accordance  with the  tasks  set, the  Center  has  been charged  the  following   responsibilities:

        ·   collection   and analysis  of  data  to  study  the experience  of  leading  foreign  research  centers, companies in the formation  and  development  of the  hydrogen  energy   industry;

        ·    organization  of  digital   online  seminars  of professors-teachers   from   cooperating  foreign    universities   and  experienced specialists   from international  organizations inthe  field  of  hydrogen  energy;

        ·    inorder  to improve  the  professional   qualifications  of teachers  and  specialists, the  organization  of   their   internships   at  the  Center;

        ·   organization   of short-timetraining courses and internships for specialists and students ofthe universityin research centers of our country and in branches  of  leading foreign  companies  in  our  country  to improve  their  professional   skills;

        ·   study   and  regulation  of  international   cooperation on  hydrogen  energy;

        ·   holding  seminars, international  scientific and practical conferences and webinars  onhydrogen energy;

        ·   preparation  ofproposals  for the introduction of modern  world  technologies for the  production of hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan;

        ·   carryin  gout fundamental  and  experimental  research, experiments on  hydrogen  energy;

       ·    coordinating  work   with   professors  and teachers   of   prestigious   universities of  the   country   and   foreign  countries   on  thematic  studies  andexperiments  of  the  Center  and  maintaining  international  cooperation; 

       ·    publication  of  articles  about   the  activities  of  the  Center  in  local  and  foreign media.

                                                                                 III. Center   Management

          3.1 The  management  of  the  Center  is  carried  out  by the  scientific  director,  nominated  by  the vote  of  the  members  of   the  AcademicCouncil of   the  University  and  appointed by  the  order  of   the  rector.  The  scientific  director  of   the  Center  must   be  a   highly  professional    honorary  specialist   who  has   a   doctorate   ora  candidate   of   science   degree   with   a   scientific   and  pedagogical  work  experience  of  at least  3 (three)   years.

          3.2 The  director of the centersubordinates  to the rector of the university.

          3.3 The   Director ensures  the  implementation  of   the main  functions  of   the  Center  and organizes  its  current   activities.

                                                                                   IV. Responsibility

           4.1 The  Director of  the Center is responsible   for  the incorrect  or untimely accomplishment of the documents of  theCenter, aswell as  the unqualified  performance  of the functionsprovided for by this Charter.

                                                                                    V. Final regulations

          5.1 The regulation was approved by thedecision 1 of the Academic Council of the University dated February  9,2022.

          5.2 This Charter comes into force fromthe dateof its approval and is valid indefinitely.

         5.3 Changes and additions to the Charter might   be made at the suggestion of the Academic Council ofthe University.

         5.4 The Director of the Center draws upanannual report on the work done in the Center and  reports to the  meeting  of  the   Academic  Council of the University.