Hydrogen energy center

Research works conducted at the Hydrogen Energy Center of the International oil and gas university named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev

    In the laboratory of the Center for Hydrogen Energy of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International university of oil and gas, a laboratory installation has been assembled for carrying out research work on producing hydrogen fuel from water by electrolysis.


    Ascan be seen from the tests, it was found that the electrolysis reaction givesgood results at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure.

    The resulting hydrogen fuelwas stored in safe containers for further research. The resulting hydrogen wasexperimentally tested as a fuel and its thermal efficiency was studied.


    Technicalsafety rules for hydrogen testing have been studied and fully implemented inscientific research.

    Specialistsfrom the Center for Hydrogen Energy created a laboratory device and, with itshelp, developed an innovative technology using a plasma-chemical method forproducing hydrogen and carbon from natural gas



    The hydrogen and carbon produced by this method were analyzed on an AgilentTechnologies 6890 gas chromatograph and it was proven that the hydrogen wasobtained from natural gas.


Itwas shown that in a plasma-chemical installation created by specialists andscientists of the center, it is possible to obtain not only hydrogen, but alsocarbon. This means that a new emission-free production technology for theseproducts has been developed.