Cultural event

Computer Center

12 September 2023

Key areas of operation of the Computer computing center

      The Computer computing center (CC) is a part of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University (IOGU) and provides information and technical support to theuniversity's scientific and educational activities, research, administrative and management activities.

     The main task of CC is to the introduction and implementation of modern information technologies to ensure effective work in the key areas of the university's work.

 CC is intended for:

- providing educational and scientific work incomputer classes;

- maintenance of computer equipment in the departments of the university;

- compiling specifications for the purchase of university computers and consumables, printers and copiers;

- automation of the work of the administrative services of the university;

- conducting an internal audit of computer conditions;

- in creasing the computer skills of teachers and university staff.


Computer Center

         The main purpose of the center is the integration of the digital education system, the digital economy, innovative technologies into the educational and scientific activities of the university, as well as ensuring cyber security.  Managing and improving the University's digital education portal, official website, and electronic document management.

        Introduction and implementation of new technologies in the educational process at the center, improvement of the Internet network of the university and the education bank, creation of electronic books, realizationof digital education policy, software development, local network and computerservice, consultations and training on computer technologies are provided through various digital resources and the local network of the university.  The center deals with cybersecurity and server management, data protection and information security of university. Coordinates and monitors the work of cybersecurity subjects.

        It identifies cyber threats aimed at the university’s information space and information infrastructure facilities, and takes appropriate actions to prevent them.

         At present, you can learn more about the university at on the Internet.

         Website management and protection is carried out by the specialists of the Center.

         Moodle technology, providing the university's electronic learning system, is based on innovative technologies. It allows to organize distance classes, contests, seminars and scientific-practical conferences with other universities of our country.

         Academic supervision and electronic documentation at Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University is carried out using the appropriate software developed by the university's specialists.

 Contact Information:

  • Address: 744036, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Archabil Avenue,8, Administrative block, floor 14, room 413
  •  Tel: (+99312)39-13-36
  •  Fax: (+99312)39-14-00
  •  E-mail:
  • Web-site: