

Gymnast’s success

30 November 2023

    Large-scale work is carried out in our country aimed at creating adeveloped sports system, educating physically and mentally healthy generations.As a result of the wise policy of our Esteemed President, championships ofTurkmenistan are held in various sports, designed to identify athletes who willincrease the sporting prestige of the country.

    Inspired  by  the  ample  opportunities  provided  by  our  Arkadag  Hero  Serdar, our  young  athletes take participation in various competitions, where they take prizewinning places.

    On  November  27-30, 2023, declared  the “Year  of  Happy  Youth  with  Arkadag  Serdar”, the  Gymnastics  Championship  of  Turkmenistan  was  held  in  Ashgabat.

    Ramazan  Hasanov, a  2 nd  year  student  of  the  Faculty  of  Chemical Technology  and  Ecology  of  the  International  University  of Oil  and  Gas  namedafter  Yagshygeldi  Kakaev,  successfully  performed  and  won  first  place  in  the  gymnastics  competitions.