

Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University is in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings - 2023 hold by famous International ranking agency Green Metric

07 December 2023

      The ranking  agency UI Green Metric  World  University Rankings,  established in 2010 by the University of Indonesia, ranks universities around the world in  six categories:

      - convenient  university  in   frastructure;

      - the use of energy-efficient  and water-conserving technologies on  the university campus;

      - recycling  programs for waste discarded  by the university

      - water conservation;

      - convenient transport routes on  the university campus, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and harmful  particles;

      - environmental education inuniversity educational programs.

      The purpose of this ranking is  to evaluate the current status and policies related to green campus and  sustainability  at universities around the world and reflects the efforts made  by an institution to implement green and sustainable policies and programs.

      Overall, the ranking uses the  concept of environmental sustainability,  which includes three elements such as  environmental, economic and social.

      The environmental aspect  refers to the use of natural resources, environmental management and pollution  prevention, while the economic  aspect refers to  cost savings  and profit  making.  The social aspect includes  education, community and social inclusion.

      The university's  work is  assessed using  six indicators: environment  and  infrastructure, energy and  climate changes, waste, water, transport, education  and  research.  For participation in the ranking,  universities  must provide not only quantitative  data about their university,   but also confirm   this information by approved regulatory documents, scans of  orders, news from the  media, photographs, etc.

      In 2023 IOGU participated in  the ranking of the international  rating agency Green Metric for the first time and  with the total of  6,015 points  the university immediately  took the 597th  place,  among 1,183 participating  universities. The  university’s indicators in the ranking of the international rating  agency Green Metric  are presented  in  the  table.

Place in the ranking 597
Infrastructure 955
Energy efficiency 1010
Water 650
Transport 1500
Education 1075
Total score 6015

      The geography of  countries  participating in  the ranking is extending and  the number  of universities  participating  in the ranking is constantly  increasing.

      Thus, in  2018 - 719 universities  from  81 countries, in 2019 - 779  universities from 81 countries, in 2020 - 912 universities from 83 countries  and in 2021 - 956  universities (for  the first  time 1 university  from Turkmenistan)  from 80 countries were  ranked.  In 2022, 1,050 universities  (including 3 from  Turkmenistan) joined  the  ranking. In 2023, 133 more universities  than in  2022 joined  and  totally 1,183 universities  (including 8 from  Turkmenistan)  took  part in the rating survey.