


16 August 2024

    In accordance with the tasks set by the President, the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University conducts active and effective cooperation in the field of science and education with prestigious universities in foreign countries, international organizations and companies. On January 6, in the year of Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University and the National Petroleum Corporation of China. In accordance with this Memorandum, in order to study the experience of foreign companies, in June-July of this year, university students completed a summer practice at the production facilities of the Turkmen branch of the China National Petroleum Corporation “International Ltd”. Within the framework of the Memorandum, in order to train high-level specialists for the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, as well as to study the experience of the China National Petroleum Corporation and unidirectional higher education institutions, since August 16 of this year, under the guidance of a university teacher, a group of students has been undergoing training and industrial practice at the China Petroleum University in Beijing.

    The China Petroleum University has prepared a special plan for training and industrial practice, which will last until the end of August. According to the plan, university students were introduced to the China Petroleum University, its museums, laboratories and educational centers. During the practice, students visited the CNPC Company and its production facilities. They also took part in several short courses.

    At the China Petroleum University a young university teacher, the leader of the group, got acquainted with the organization of educational and methodological activities, the development of curricula, programs and their implementation, the conduct of research activities, laboratories in which research activities are carried out and the involvement of students in research works, and also got acquainted with the introduction of digital technologies in the education system.


     The training and industrial practice at the China Petroleum University makes a great impression on students. Industrial practice becomes more important in improving students’ theoretical knowledge in conjunction with foreign experience. 


    We sincerely thank the President of Turkmenistan and our Hero-Arkadag for their tireless efforts to improve the work of educational institutions and training high-level specialists, for constant care for the younger generation, for the created opportunities and conditions. We wish good health, long life to Arkadagly Serdar and our Hero Arkadag, and we wish great success in nationally important matters for the sake of the prosperity of our country and people