

A gratitude meeting was held in the conference hall

13 March 2023

     On  March  13, 2023, a  gratitude  meeting  on  the  occasion  of  new  song “Congratulations  to  the  Youth” first  performance  of Gurbanguly  Berdimuhamedov,National  Leader  of  Turkmen  people, Chairman  of  the  People’s  Council  of  Turkmenistan  publishing of  the  song’s  poem  and  its  presentation  to  people  was  held  in  the  Conference  hall  of  the  Yagshygeldi  Kakayev  International oil  and  gas  university. The  participants  of  the  meeting  expressed  their  pride  from  the  heart  for  the  poem “Congratulations  to the Youth” to  our  Hero  Arkadag.