A festive event was held on the celebration of the Constitution and State Flag Day organized by the Primary Women's Organization of the Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University.
In the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state under the wise leadership of the Esteemed President in the year of “The Fount of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”, the Primary Women's Organization of the Yagshygeldi Kakaev International Oil and Gas University organized a festive event on May 14, 2024 with the participation of university students dedicated to the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag under entitled “A Flag Flying Proudly in the World.”
One of the shrines of the Turkmen people is the sacred flag. The speakers noted that state symbols symbolize the unshakable integrity of our nation and unwavering commitment to noble principles such as peacekeeping, humanism, kindness and justice. They also expressed words of gratitude to the Esteemed President and wished that the National Flag, which is the main value, always flutters in our peaceful sky as a symbol of peace and happiness, spread light throughout the world.