

The team of the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev was the Turkmenistan Futsal Cup

20 December 2023

    On  December  20, the final ofthe Turkmenistan  Futsal  Cup  took  place  in  Ashgabat. The  teams “Kopetdag” of the  Ministry  of Internal  Affairs  of  the  country  and “Gara altyn” of  the  International  University  of  Oil  and  Gas  named  after  Yagshygeldi  Kakaev competedfor  the  main  trophy.

    The  game  took  place at the sports complex  of  the  Turkmen  State  Institute of  Physical  Education  and  Sports  and  ended  with a  score of 3:0  in favor of “Gara altyn”.

    Vatan Ataev (20th minute), Maksatseyit  Murdjikov (36 th minute) and Maksat  Amanov (38th  minute) scored  goals  for  the  winners.

    It should  be  noted  that  in  the  semi-finals “Kopetdag” beat “Gumrukchi” with  a  score  5:3, and “Gara altyn” turned  out  to  be stronger than the “Denizchi”team, the current Super League Champion - 3:1.

    Immediately  after the final whistle, a  solemn  ceremony  was  held  to  award  the  winners  andmedalists. The honorary Champions Cup  and  medals  were  presented  by  Acting   Chairman  of  the  Football  Federation  of  Turkmenistan  Berdimurat  Nurmuradov  and FFT  Futsal  Department  Head  Annanur  Gulov.